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Beast di Peter Benchley
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Beast (originale 1991; edizione 1991)

di Peter Benchley (Autore)

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6891334,723 (3.28)15
"Makes the shark from "Jaws" look like a pet goldfish . . ." USA Weekend Straight from the cutting edge of science and the logs of ancient mariners comes an immense horror -- a creature that rises up from the well of an ocean gone mad with an insatiable hunger and an endless lust to kill. One man leads a harrowing struggle to defeat the beast amid a threatened Bermuda paradise. His name is Whip Darling, a down-and-out sea dog who doesn't know where he'll get his next meal -- or whether it will get him first. From the Paperback edition.… (altro)
Autori:Peter Benchley (Autore)
Info:Random House (1991), Edition: First Edition, 350 pages
Collezioni:Books I already Read, La tua biblioteca

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Beast di Peter Benchley (1991)

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» Vedi le 15 citazioni

Another excellent read by Benchley. Not as good as Jaws, but possibly only because it doesn't hold the same nostalgia as Jaws does. Whip makes a great protagonist, just wish some of the other antagonists (St. John & Manning) had more spectacular deaths, but that's just nitpicking. Other characters come and go pretty quickly but the plot flows well, sometimes a little predictable, but good overall. A thoroughly enjoyable read! ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Una pequeña ciudad costera del Oeste de Estados Unidos está sufriendo ataques de una criatura marina. En un principio se cree que se trata de tiburones, pero al encontrarse restos de una garra, un científico considera la hipótesis de que pueda ser otra especie. El alcalde de la ciudad intentará minimizar la gravedad de la situación para que la industria turística y pesquera no se vea perjudicada.
  Natt90 | Jul 5, 2022 |
This book was at best mediocre. Not very good. ( )
  biggs1399 | Jan 19, 2016 |
Have read several of Benchleys novels and have never been disappointed... With this in mind I got hold of Beast.

Firstly I'll say that this book has been awarded 5 stars and deserves an extra one as well. The main basis of the book is that man has overfished the seas around Bermuda and upset the balance of nature. A giant squid has therefore come to be found in the seas and boy is it hungry.... It is left to local sailor, Whip Darling to unwillingly oversee it's destruction

For the novel Benchley has created numerous strong willed characters such as a vengeful father, a self important Doctor, a sea loving Fisherman, a proud navy captain and a sea expert looking to fulfill his lifes ambition. This mixture really helps to carry off the larger than life plot, and believe me there are more than enough twists to keep you gasping along (including the ending)....

During the book Benchley even manages to have an inside grin at the success of Jaws and makes a comparison in public reaction to a film and the 'real life' depicted in the novel.

The chapters written from the Beasts point of view are amazing and really add so much to the atmosphere that Benchley seems to so easily create.

Rarely do I come across an author that has such a depth of knowledge of his subject matter. The book, as with most of his others, is filled with an encyclopedia of facts and figures of marine life. You can really tell how much he cares for the sea and his passion is infectious.

If you are not familiar with Benchley, put him on your 'to do' list for this year. And if your looking for somewhere to start, Beast is a great place. ( )
  Bridgey | Jan 22, 2011 |
I like the omnisient POV when speaking of thge beast and its movements in the deep. I wonder if the whole book could have been done like that. Such a POV is what creates the fear and it might be even more fearful if the POV was moved to the beast itself. ( )
  andyray | Jul 7, 2009 |
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Peter Benchleyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Kaskimies, HeikkiTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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She [Scylla] has twelve splay feet and six lank scrawny necks. Each neck bears an obscene head, toothy with three rows of thick-set crowded fangs blackly charged with death. . . . Particularly she battens on humankind, never failing to snatch up a man with each of her heads from every dark-prowed ship that comes. -Homer, The Odyssey
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It hovered in the ink-dark water, waiting.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"Makes the shark from "Jaws" look like a pet goldfish . . ." USA Weekend Straight from the cutting edge of science and the logs of ancient mariners comes an immense horror -- a creature that rises up from the well of an ocean gone mad with an insatiable hunger and an endless lust to kill. One man leads a harrowing struggle to defeat the beast amid a threatened Bermuda paradise. His name is Whip Darling, a down-and-out sea dog who doesn't know where he'll get his next meal -- or whether it will get him first. From the Paperback edition.

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