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Those Gentle Voices

di George Alec Effinger

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903310,223 (2.61)Nessuno
A novel of first alien contact--and the conspiracy it unveils--from the Hugo Award-winning author of When Gravity Falls. "Because it's there"--that was why Earth men climbed Mt. Everest and why, in 2017, they set out for the distant star Wolf 359. In 1988 they had learned that intelligent inhabitants from a planet orbiting Wolf 359 had been signaling Earth. That fact was reason enough to dispatch a manned probe to explore and investigate. But perhaps there was another reason for the journey--a reason too incredible for Earth people ever to imagine, a reason they may never understand, even when they land on the planet they call Jennings' World. Author George Alec Effinger was a true master of satirical science fiction. Before his death in 2002 he gained the highest esteem among his peers for his pitch-perfect stylistic mimicry and his great insight into the human condition. Despite a life filled with chronic illness, Effinger was a prolific novelist and short story writer, earning multiple Nebula and Hugo Award nominations.… (altro)
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A good, interesting old sci-fi novel. Well-written. A bit short. ( )
  broccolima | Jan 26, 2014 |
What a truly awful book! Awful enough that I gave up at page 97, at the end of part 3 (though there was no part 1). Don’t read this book.

(Full review at my blog) ( )
  KingRat | Jan 7, 2009 |
I found this one didn't age well. The first section was full of really out-dated computer tech talk and the next section did not start out auspiciously, so I gave up. In amongst the tech talk was a lovely evocation of New Orleans pre-Katrina. You can really tell the Effinger loved the place. I also suspect that Effinger is going somewhere really interesting thematically, so the read might be worth it. But life is short and I, personally, am moving on. ( )
  aulsmith | Jun 9, 2008 |
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... I am not much interested in stories about Martians or 3000 A.D. I have the sort of feeling about fantastic stories that H.G. Wells had: you inject a miracle into a perfectly ordinary setting and then watch the consequences, which are usually bad. The trouble with fantastic fiction as a general rule is the same trouble that afflicts Hungarian playwrights-no third act. The idea and the situation resulting from the idea are fine; but what happens then? ... If a man should wake up in the morning and find that he was nine inches high, I wouldn't be interested in how he got that way but in what he was going to do about it....
-Raymond Chandler
In a letter to Hamish Hamilton
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For Stephan and Julie Cohen, the best double-play combination since Woodie Held and Johnny Temple. They got me out of a tough inning.
It was nearly six weeks into the second International Astrophysical Year.
Il secondo Anno Astrofisico Internazionale era iniziato da quasi sei settimane.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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A novel of first alien contact--and the conspiracy it unveils--from the Hugo Award-winning author of When Gravity Falls. "Because it's there"--that was why Earth men climbed Mt. Everest and why, in 2017, they set out for the distant star Wolf 359. In 1988 they had learned that intelligent inhabitants from a planet orbiting Wolf 359 had been signaling Earth. That fact was reason enough to dispatch a manned probe to explore and investigate. But perhaps there was another reason for the journey--a reason too incredible for Earth people ever to imagine, a reason they may never understand, even when they land on the planet they call Jennings' World. Author George Alec Effinger was a true master of satirical science fiction. Before his death in 2002 he gained the highest esteem among his peers for his pitch-perfect stylistic mimicry and his great insight into the human condition. Despite a life filled with chronic illness, Effinger was a prolific novelist and short story writer, earning multiple Nebula and Hugo Award nominations.

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Per quale ragione questo romanzo comincia col capitolo due continua coi capitoli tre quattro cinque e finisce col capitolo uno? Questo non ve lo possiamo dire.

Per quale ragione del 1988 le nazioni della Terra decidono di unire tutti i loro sforzi per inviare un'astronave verso la stella Wolf 539? Una ragione che possiamo dirvi è che in quell'anno si scopre che da un pianeta di quella stella partono dei radiosegnali per noi.

Ma c'è forse un'altra ragione: una ragione troppo incredibile perchè i Terrestri possano immaginarla, una ragione che non capiranno nemmeno quando saranno sbarcati sul pianeta in questione.

Achronos (1980)
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