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With only two weeks left until prom, Jordan questions her feelings for her popular boyfriend, Tara searches for the perfect gown; and Nisha's parents choose her prom date despite her previous plans with Brian.
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Reviewed by Jaglvr for

DRESS picks up where DREAM, the first book in the ONCE UPON A PROM series, ended.

Nisha, Tara, and Jordan are all in the throws of Prom planning. The story starts out with Tara daydreaming. She has placed herself in Jordan's place. There's an unstated desire for Tara to have all that Jordan has. Everything has always come easily to Jordan, and she always seems to get what she wants. Tara resents the ease of Jordan's life.

During the two weeks that DRESS spans, underlying stresses and withheld information slowly put the friendship between the three girls to the test.

Tara is struggling to keep Jenny Brigger from running away with Prom committee planning. She is also still in the process of transforming Victor from school mascot into an unsuspected hottie. Could the makeover project be developing into something else?

Jordan has tried to convince Shane that they can't be friends anymore. But the more she tries to convince herself of that, the more she is drawn into his world. Jordan struggles with her conflicting emotions between Shane and her longtime boyfriend, Nate.

And Nisha is stuck between the two girls. Nisha is hoping that she doesn't have to choose between them. Nisha is still trying to find a way to go to the Prom with Brian, her boyfriend of six months. Her parents have set her up with Raj, a good Indian boy that they approve of. Raj is a nice guy, but he's not the boy she's in love with. And Raj seems to have secrets of his own.

The second installment of the series has a faster pace than DREAM. The girls all have struggles of their own that seem to be coming to a spiraling conclusion. This book went into more depth than the first story did and, with less than two weeks to go until the Prom, the reader is left waiting to find out if all the girls will have the Prom dates that they are expecting. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 10, 2009 |
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With only two weeks left until prom, Jordan questions her feelings for her popular boyfriend, Tara searches for the perfect gown; and Nisha's parents choose her prom date despite her previous plans with Brian.

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