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S.C.E.: Failsafe

di David Mack

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When a cultural observation probe malfunctions and crash-lands on a pre-warp world, the S.C.E. is sent in to destroy it before the technology falls into the hands of a civilization not prepared for it. Unfortunately, when Commander Gomez and her team arrive, they find that the device has already been captured by terrorist forces who intend to reverse-engineer the technology into a weapon that will change the balance of power on their world to deadly effect! Now it's a race against time for the S.C.E. to find and destroy the probe before it's too late!… (altro)
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This book could best be summed up with OMG KEWL ACTION! because I'm not really sure there was anything beyond that here. David Mack is rapidly becoming my least favorite Trek author to handle romance: even John Vornholt's are built up to and seem semi-plausible. But Ambramowitz/Hawkins? Okeday, then. Hurrah for being totally random. 'Bout the only worthwhile thing this story does is wrap up Gomez's feelings about Duffy being gone... which would've been more useful if we'd seen these feelings in the preceding books, or if they hadn't already been wrapped up in Breakdowns. (originally written January 2005)
  Stevil2001 | Jan 17, 2012 |
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When a cultural observation probe malfunctions and crash-lands on a pre-warp world, the S.C.E. is sent in to destroy it before the technology falls into the hands of a civilization not prepared for it. Unfortunately, when Commander Gomez and her team arrive, they find that the device has already been captured by terrorist forces who intend to reverse-engineer the technology into a weapon that will change the balance of power on their world to deadly effect! Now it's a race against time for the S.C.E. to find and destroy the probe before it's too late!

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