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Ten in the Bed (1988)

di Penny Dale

Serie: Ten in Bed (book 1)

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8861025,245 (4.16)3
Nine stuffed animals roll out of a young child's bed, one by one, then jump back into bed with the child and fall fast asleep.
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» Vedi le 3 citazioni

This delightful retake on the much loved nursery song "Ten in the Bed" is absolutely charming. And it has stood the test of time. The illustrations are sweet, utterly delightful, and captivating. Lots of motion in the pictures. Lots of critters to delight. Lots of fun.

And the idea of ten in the bed goes back many years to a time when families were large, beds few and crowded, and space extremely limited. A bit of a jolly song not to make fun of the situation but to lend a light-heartedness to one of the facts of life as it existed at the time for many.

So the little one said, "Roll over, roll over..... and...."

I received a complimentary copy to facilitate a review. Opinions are mine, alone and are freely given. ( )
  VeraGodley | Jan 4, 2024 |
Roll Over!

This is a new version of a classic nursery rhyme. In this edition, ten very different animal friends join a little boy in his bed. In this one, the little one in the bed does tell them all to roll over, and one falls out. But the tale is told in a different, charming way, and all the animals add to story.

The adorable illustrations done by the author bring everything to life, and the ending is unexpected, adding a nice twist to the rhyme.

This is the thirty-five-year anniversary of this well-loved, five-star book. It is a nicely done board book ready for a whole new generation of children to discover it! Children through four years old will enjoy this.

Thank you, Candlewick Books, for providing Tickmenot with a book to review. Opinions are my own. ( )
  Tickmenot | Nov 16, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Happy, happy memories for me of reading this book to my boys when they were toddlers :-)

Obviously, one to be read whilst snuggled up in bed. The words are easilyl learned and followed, but it's the illustrations which really make this such a magical book. Lots of expression, emotion and little things going on in the corners and edges to find and talk about.

We haven't kept all of the children's early-years books, but this one has a treasured place on our bookshelves and in our hearts. ( )
  Michael.Rimmer | Jun 14, 2016 |
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Ten in Bed (book 1)

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For Brian and Daphne
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There were ten in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over!"
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Nine stuffed animals roll out of a young child's bed, one by one, then jump back into bed with the child and fall fast asleep.

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