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Slavery and the British Empire: From Africa to America

di Kenneth Morgan

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This is an introduction to the entire history of British involvement with slavery and the slave trade, which especially focuses on the two centuries from 1650, and covers the Atlantic world, especially North America and the West Indies, as well as the Cape Colony, Mauritius, and India. - ;Slavery and the British Empire provides a clear overview of the entire history of British involvement with slavery and the slave trade, from the Cape Colony to the Caribbean. The book combines economic, social, political, cultural, and demographic history, with a particular focus on the Atlantic world and the… (altro)
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An illuminating and thought-provoking account of the history of Atlantic slavery. In just 200 pages the book manages to cover many different aspects of the woeful history. As an introduction to the topic, it will lead to further reading and study, and much debate. A couple of elements omitted (presumably for lack of space) were the mechanism of manumission and its consequences to both the freed individual and the wider community; and when a slaveholder and female slave developed a stable relationship, and the consequences to their children. ( )
  Roarer | May 12, 2024 |
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This is an introduction to the entire history of British involvement with slavery and the slave trade, which especially focuses on the two centuries from 1650, and covers the Atlantic world, especially North America and the West Indies, as well as the Cape Colony, Mauritius, and India. - ;Slavery and the British Empire provides a clear overview of the entire history of British involvement with slavery and the slave trade, from the Cape Colony to the Caribbean. The book combines economic, social, political, cultural, and demographic history, with a particular focus on the Atlantic world and the

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