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Black Wolf

di Jade Buchanan

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Like this longer version more than the original; more time with the shifters usually works for me. Will be fun to see how this expands beyond re-writes on the first two stories. ( )
  crankypants16 | Sep 23, 2013 |
I LOVED this story. I admit it – I’m a sucker for dominant alpha males protecting their mates. And Marcus does not disappoint. He’s big, scary and hot, hot, HOT! Plus the werewolf is a special ops agent to boot. How sexy is that? Cody, the owner of Del Fantasma, guilts him into taking some time off and visiting the club. Where a young, very naïve tabby cat is in need of some protection from an unlikely enemy. Adam isn’t your typical submissive, though. He’s from the country and oblivious to the dangers of life in the city at first, but he’s not dim – just inexperienced. And he does have spirit. Now, Marcus has plenty of experience and is happy to share it with enough steam to keep a reader sweating. Plus, I just plain liked both men. Jade has a way of imbuing her characters with charm and appeal that just adds to the eroticism. I was rooting for Marcus to swoop in and rescue Adam just as much as I wanted Adam to find his inner strength.
Overall, I highly recommend this novella for fans of erotic M/M romance who also like some paranormal spice and a good story. I was captured from the first few lines and sucked in to the end. Was this some great masterpiece of mystery or drama? No, just a great ride (pun intended). The sex is hot and the plot is more than enough to sustain the length. Plus it's a great backdrop for two fun characters I wouldn’t mind visiting with again. ( )
  jshillingford | Mar 19, 2008 |
Adam was a shapeshifter tabby cat for the first time alone far from home. He is only twenty years old and he is still a little skittish. He doesn't know how strong he can be and that he can fight back who tries to harm him. Plus he is still a virgin, and he feels that it's time for him to find a partner.

All his problems finds a solution when Marcus arrives at Del Fantasma, the club where Adam works. Marcus is a shapeshifter black wolf and when he smells Adam's scent he knows that he has found his mate, but first he has to find the man who has dared to harm the little cat.

The story is pretty short, less than 50 pages, but like all the stories by Jade Buchanan is really funny and the characters, even if the book is short, have a strong personalization. For sure I like a lot Adam, and not only cause I have a passion for cats... Adam is so naive and innocent that awakens all your protective instincts, and above all those of Marcus.

Of Marcus we don't know much, but he is a very alpha male, with a penchant for little spitfire...

Del Fantasma series is a very enjoyble and funny paranormal series of short stories.
  elisa.rolle | Jan 11, 2008 |
3.5 ( )
  Colette_Miranda | Jul 29, 2019 |
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*New 2012 Extended ReEdition includes modified and new scenes to take off the Del Fantasma affiliation and open up a new series.
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