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The Invisible Ring

di Anne Bishop

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1,959328,800 (3.83)32
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop returns to the world of her Black Jewels Trilogy with a prequel that follows a man who is determined to rebel against the course set before him...

Jared is a Red-Jeweled Warlord bound as a pleasure slave by the Ring of Obedience. After suffering nine years of torment as a slave, he murdered his owner and escapedâ??only to be caught and sold into slavery once again.
Purchased by a notorious queen, Jared fears he will share the mysterious fate of her other slavesâ??never to be seen againâ??and so prepares himself for death. But the Gray Lady may not be what she seems and Jared soon faces a difficult decision: his freedom, or his
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» Vedi le 32 citazioni

An enjoyable book in the world of the Black Jewels trilogy. I was sorry to see this one was pre-Jaenelle, because I really like her character, but I loved Daemon's role (another favourite) in it. It isn't huge, but he's his charming self in this book. Overall, I liked the characters in the first three books better, but The invisible ring was quite pleasant to read as well... ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
Anne Bishop never fails to write a story that grabs me right way and does not let me go until the very last page. The Black Jewels series is definitely my favorite of all her books. All of the books set in this world have intriguing story lines and characters who fascinate me. Even the characters I loathe are still well written. Any book by Anne Bishop is a must read and this series is no exception. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
I found this too full of sexual violence and way high on the body count scale to really enjoy, although it is a dramatic and flowing story. There are males and women, and neither are quite human, but balanced between caricatures of gender roles and strange reverses. Maybe more realistic about the unappealing effects magic might have on thinking beings over evolutionary spans. ( )
  quondame | Oct 10, 2019 |
Jared is bought by the Grey Lady as a slave, however she is being hunted. To protect those she's purchased she takes them across the land and in doing so Jared learns to trust again and server a Queen. When looking at the author site this book is listed as 4th in the series but the events actually occur prior to the first book.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
This is a prequel to the "Dark Jewels Trilogy" - a fantasy that's got this weird hokey yet dark, violent and melodramatic thing going. The characters snarl a lot to show their depth of feeling and the themes and situations were too similar to the trilogy. I did like the world building that incorporates the traditional trappings of evil and flips them upside-down. The society is also feudal and matriarchal. It's fluff that's far out and dark enough to be ingested with toblerones in bed. (March 17, 2005) ( )
  cindywho | May 27, 2019 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop returns to the world of her Black Jewels Trilogy with a prequel that follows a man who is determined to rebel against the course set before him...

Jared is a Red-Jeweled Warlord bound as a pleasure slave by the Ring of Obedience. After suffering nine years of torment as a slave, he murdered his owner and escapedâ??only to be caught and sold into slavery once again.
Purchased by a notorious queen, Jared fears he will share the mysterious fate of her other slavesâ??never to be seen againâ??and so prepares himself for death. But the Gray Lady may not be what she seems and Jared soon faces a difficult decision: his freedom, or his

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Media: (3.83)
0.5 1
1 5
1.5 2
2 24
2.5 8
3 113
3.5 27
4 171
4.5 15
5 119

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