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Paul: A Servant Of Jesus Christ

di F. B. Meyer

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2105133,733 (3.5)Nessuno
"...why some sheep hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, while others persist is one of those secrets which are not revealed as yet to the children of men." "But as the eye of omniscient love glanced down the ages, it must have lighted with peculiar pleasure on the eager, devoted soul of Paul. God foreknew and predestined him. The divine purpose, descrying his capacity for the best, selected him for it, and it for him."-from the book… (altro)
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Why do some sheep hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, while others persist is one of those secrets which are not revealed as yet to the children of men. But as the eye of omniscient love glanced down the ages, it must have lighted with peculiar pleasure on the eager, devoted soul of Paul. God foreknew and predestined him. The divine purpose, descrying his capacity for the best, selected him for it, and it for him.
  OLibrary | Nov 30, 2021 |
Why do some sheep hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, while others persist is one of those secrets which are not revealed as yet to the children of men. But as the eye of omniscient love glanced down the ages, it must have lighted with peculiar pleasure on the eager, devoted soul of Paul. God foreknew and predestined him. The divine purpose, descrying his capacity for the best, selected him for it, and it for him.
  OLibrary | Nov 30, 2021 |
Why do some sheep hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, while others persist is one of those secrets which are not revealed as yet to the children of men. But as the eye of omniscient love glanced down the ages, it must have lighted with peculiar pleasure on the eager, devoted soul of Paul. God foreknew and predestined him. The divine purpose, descrying his capacity for the best, selected him for it, and it for him.
  OLibrary | Nov 30, 2021 |
Meyers does an excellent job of showing you who Paul was as a kan and as an apostle; as well as how his life devoted to his work progressed from Damacus road to Rome. ( )
  longhorndaniel | Jul 19, 2017 |
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ by F. B Meyer (?)
  journeyguy | Apr 2, 2013 |
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"...why some sheep hear the Shepherd's voice and follow, while others persist is one of those secrets which are not revealed as yet to the children of men." "But as the eye of omniscient love glanced down the ages, it must have lighted with peculiar pleasure on the eager, devoted soul of Paul. God foreknew and predestined him. The divine purpose, descrying his capacity for the best, selected him for it, and it for him."-from the book

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