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Performance Anthology: Source Book of California Performance Art

di Carl E. Loeffler

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Alright, yet another anthology of performance art that's chock-full of interesting stuff. Take, eg, Ant Farm's "Car-Men" performed at the Sydney Opera House in 1976 - an orchestration of car sounds. Gotta love it. Performances involving cars are a genre that I'd like to see studied in greater detail. John Moran, now perhaps somewhat known for his operas, had a record of a car piece (if I remember correctly), my friend Dick Turner did one. There were probably at least 2 Fluxus car happenings, etc.. The Kipper Kids are represented. I saw them perform in Baltimore 25 yrs or so ago at the Theater Project & they were 2 of the funniest guys I've ever met. There's stuff about John Sturgeon who's probably the same guy who taught here in Pittsburgh for awhile & now teaches in Baltimore. He did a performance in a Latin American festival that I organized that I thought was quite good. There's stuff about Bonnie Sherk, who I've always been interested in, including a picture of her in formal evening wear sitting in a stuffed chair in the midst of a flooded city dump.

Of course, Chris Burden's here - including his "In Venice Money Grows on Trees" - the piece where he "glued one hundred brand new dollar bills to the leaves of two very low palm tress on the Venice boardwalk. The bills were folded lengthwise several times so that they fit into the creases of each palm leaf. Although in plain sight and within arm's reach, some of the money remained untouched for two days." ( )
  tENTATIVELY | Apr 3, 2022 |
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