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Miracleman Book One: A Dream of Flying

di Alan Moore (Writer), Alan Davis (Illustratore), Garry Leach (Illustratore)

Altri autori: Mick Anglo (Autore), Steve Dillon (Illustratore), Don Lawrence (Illustratore), Paul Neary (Illustratore), Steve Oliff (Illustratore)

Serie: Miracleman (1-4)

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4201462,185 (4.18)12
KIMOTA! With one magic word, a long-forgotten legend lives again! Freelance reporter Michael Moran always knew he was meant for something more-now, an unexpected series of events leads him to reclaim his destiny as Miracleman! The groundbreaking graphic novel that heralded a literary revolution begins here in A DREAM OF FLYING. After nearly two decades away, Miracleman uncovers his origins and their connection to the British military's "Project Zarathustra" - while his alter ego, Michael Moran, must reconcile his life as the lesser half of a god. COLLECTING: Miracleman 1-4.… (altro)
  1. 00
    Zenith: Phase 1 di Grant Morrison (Sr_Moreno)
    Sr_Moreno: British 80s revisionist takes on superheroes, that later "inspired" a number of other comics.
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Many years ago now, I got interested in Alan Moore's 1980s comic Miracleman (a.k.a. Marvelman) as part of a project about superheroes, violence, and utopia; analysis of the series by Peter Paik in his excellent monograph From Utopia to Apocalypse made it sound very relevant. Unfortunately, rights issues meant the book was long out-of-print, and copies of the collected editions so rare, I couldn't get any via interlibrary loan except for the Neil Gaiman–penned follow-up. But, some years later, Marvel acquired and sorted out the rights, eventually reprinting Moore's run in a series of three deluxe hardcovers (with new coloring and lettering) that I picked up as they came out, and some years after that, that I am finally getting around to reading.

Clearly one of the things Alan Moore did to the superhero genre that he came along and asked, "What if superheroes were real?" Now, he was not the first to do this, nor the last; I would argue that a great many important works of superhero fiction, at least as early as Amazing Fantasy #15, were premised on this question. But with his work on Watchmen, Moore was the one who asked this question for the 1980s. In the first book of Miracleman, A Dream of Flying, Moore asks the same question in a different way. While Watchmen looks at what kind of people would do something like become a superhero, and what real people would do with that kind of power, and what the real effects of using violence to change the world would be (a theme Moore comes back to a lot; see also V for Vendetta), A Dream of Flying comes at it from the opposite direction.

Instead of taking heroic figures and making them sordid and realistic, A Dream of Flying asks how could a heroic figure exist in a real world. Back in the 1950s and '60s, Mick Anglo wrote the adventures of Marvelman and his friends; Moore imagines that those stories sort of really happened—in the head of Michael Moran and his friends. Moran was abducted for an experiment as a child by a depraved scientist, who used alien technology to give Moran superpowers and held him in a dreamlike state, pumping crudely written superhero stories into his brain to develop him into the weapon he wanted. Eventually things went horribly wrong, Moran lost him memories, and by the 1980s was a fortysomething adult with no idea he had a superpowered alter ego. Miracleman is, both in story and in reality, based on Captain Marvel, and Moore manages to come up with reasonable science fiction explanations for a lot of what happens in Captain Marvel stories; I liked the explanation for body-swapping a lot.

A Dream of Flying begins with Michael's slow rediscovery of his true self, and then his discovery of how he was created and what happened to his friends. It's Alan Moore at the top of his craft, and he has strong artistic collaborators in Garry Leach and Alan Davis. The best parts usually center on Moore's appliance of grounded realism to the character, both in terms of psychology and in terms of sci-fi explanations. This kind of story has been told a lot since, but Moore is very good at it. I particularly liked the stuff about Michael's wife.

In addition to the eleven chapters of A Dream of Flying (most about seven pages), this volume includes a prologue retelling a real Mick Anglo Marvelman tale in Moore's idiom, a flashforward story (set during Book Three, I think) about Miracleman and the Warpsmiths of Phaidon doing some time travel, and two side stories about the Warpsmiths. The first of these is fun, and the flashforward is fine if a bit pointless. The Warpsmith stuff I found largely inscrutable, but I guess I'm glad its in here for completeness's sake.

There's also about sixty pages of "behind-the-scenes" stuff to pad this book out to a marketable length. Most of it is pretty interesting: contemporary house ads, art try-outs, and the like. Original artwork and variant covers are less interesting, but I'm sure some people appreciate this stuff.

I would have, however, preferred a recoloring done in a more genuine 1980s style, rather than the contemporary approach Steve Oliff took.

Overall, this is an interesting start to the Miracleman saga, and highly recommended if you are interested in Alan Moore and/or the history of the superhero genre.
  Stevil2001 | Aug 10, 2024 |
I never thought I'd read this, so I'm grateful for Marvel reprinting the series. I'm amused at how they never mention the author's name, but part of me feels a bit bad for the author. ( )
  Brian-B | Nov 30, 2022 |
In November 1982, just as I was rediscovering comics, I picked up a copy of issue #7 of the British black & white anthology title Warrior and was blown away by an installment of a strip called Marvelman that reworked a cheesy 1950s superhero concept with a modern adult sensibility. Written by Alan Moore before he became “Alan Moore,” with atmospheric and hard hitting page design by Gary Leach this collection of the first story arc (retitled Miracleman due to US copyright issue) is both a nostalgia trip for me and an example of the Renaissance of the superhero genre that eventually gave us classics such as Watchmen and more. ( )
  gothamajp | Jan 20, 2021 |
A must-read for Alan Moore fans. ( )
  Cail_Judy | Apr 21, 2020 |
An underappreciated masterpiece, now in a snazzy reprint. Makes me happy! ( )
  mrgan | Oct 30, 2017 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Moore, AlanWriterautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Davis, AlanIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Leach, GarryIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Anglo, MickAutoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Dillon, SteveIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Lawrence, DonIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Neary, PaulIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Oliff, SteveIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

KIMOTA! With one magic word, a long-forgotten legend lives again! Freelance reporter Michael Moran always knew he was meant for something more-now, an unexpected series of events leads him to reclaim his destiny as Miracleman! The groundbreaking graphic novel that heralded a literary revolution begins here in A DREAM OF FLYING. After nearly two decades away, Miracleman uncovers his origins and their connection to the British military's "Project Zarathustra" - while his alter ego, Michael Moran, must reconcile his life as the lesser half of a god. COLLECTING: Miracleman 1-4.

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