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Sucker Bet

di Erin McCarthy

Serie: Vegas Vampires (4)

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2594106,901 (3.78)2
When vampiress Gwenna Carrick falls for handsome Vegas detective Nate Thomas, complications set in--the least of which is notorious vampire and ex-hubbie Roberto Donatelli.
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Much better than the others in this series. Gwenna finds a murder victim and meets Nate. They bond after running into each other again after Nate's sister died and trying to solve the murders.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
When the hero first meets the heroine he think her to be a dumb blonde. But in fact she's just trying to cover her tracks. As a vampire, she's lived over 900 years but spent 300 of those years locked up in a castle after suffering a breakdown over the death of her daughter. She went to meet a man in a train stain after talking to him online when she meets the hero, a detective, who's called to a murder in said train station. They go their separate ways until meeting again in the hospital. She's there to visit her friend who's just had a baby, he's there after the death of his sister to cancer. It was two people meeting in life, both needing desperately the company of the other. From there they develop an easy bond. The heroine is there for him throughout his mourning and he in turn gives her a purpose in her otherwise dull and meaningless life. I was shocked by how much I loved this book as I don't quite remember being overly fond of the other books in the series. But this was amazing. The heroine was lost in this new world. She lives in the casino hotel owned by her brother who pays for her living and expenses. She's begun to be bitter over the fact that she has zero control in her life but she thinks she's incapable of living in this modern world by herself. Other than her abilities with computers she's got no job experience. And her scum of an ex husband is still hounding her 300 years after their divorce. The hero is barely holding it together. Spending a crazy amount of hours on the job looking into these murders, and dealing with the loss of his sister, most scenes-at least when he had time to himself- he was trying desperately not to cry. I actually would have liked to see him cry as he never once broke down and let the walls down. He was such a damn man about it but that was something that drew me to him. It was like the hero and heroine were destined for each other but not in a paranormal sense, just that they met each other in the lowest part of their lives and found kinship with one another. The chemistry was off the charts and though the sex was explicit and very erotic, you always felt love between them even before they realized it themselves. From the cover you'd expect a humorous paranormal contemporary romance but it was so much deep than that. It makes me want to re-read the other books-maybe I didn't give them a far shot if the author can deliver such amazing work. ( )
  Eden00 | May 14, 2016 |
Enjoyable paranormal story with some funny and some sad parts and exciting ending but after the first scene it moved kind of slow so my rating is 3.5* Vampire Gwenna is on the scene when detective Nate is investigating a dead body.
( )
  Dawn772 | Jan 29, 2015 |
Possibly my least favorite of the series so far. I'm not sure what happened to the typical McCarthy quirkiness; but it's gone. The characters are angsty and TSTL for the most part. ( )
  lesmel | Sep 18, 2014 |
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When vampiress Gwenna Carrick falls for handsome Vegas detective Nate Thomas, complications set in--the least of which is notorious vampire and ex-hubbie Roberto Donatelli.

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Media: (3.78)
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3 23
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5 16

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