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As I Am: An Autobiography

di Patricia Neal

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952294,731 (4.05)5
The acclaimed autobiography from the Tony and Academy Award-winning actress casts Patricia Neal in her greatest role--as the indomitable heroine of her own incredible real-life story: "Destined for bestsellerdom" (Library Journal). Throughout her triumphant career, Patricia Neal faced a series of devastating challenges and losses, sometimes privately, sometimes before an audience of millions. By age twenty-one, the self-confident, determined, Southern-bred actress had starred in a Broadway hit, won a Tony, was "the toast of New York" and was featured on a Life cover--only the first of many triumphs in a celebrity life.      "In this account, Neal writes candidly about her numerous love affairs, both transient and profound, such as a liaison with Gary Cooper and her twenty-five-year marriage to writer Roald Dahl. More arresting are the tragedies that beset her, including the deaths of two of her five children and, at age thirty-nine, a massive stroke suffered when she was at the peak of her career and carrying her fifth child. Her heroic struggle to regain her speech, mobility, and mental capacities adds another dimension to an already courageous human being" (Publishers Weekly).… (altro)
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Another book from my late mom's stash, Patricia Neal's autobiography, AS I AM (1988), was quite a compelling read. I knew the actress only from a couple of her films, THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES, and HUD (for which she won an academy award). I had not known that early in her career, when she was only about 21, she had a lengthy, passionate affair with Gary Cooper. Also learned that her husband of nearly thirty years (with whom she had five children), the writer Ronald Dahl, was something of a cold-hearted bastard who cheated on her with one of their best friends. Of course there's a lot more in here, about her showbiz career on stage, screen and television; the loss of her eldest daughter at seven, from measles; as well as the crippling strokes she suffered that nearly ended her career, and how she clawed her way back from them with grit and determination. And, also interesting to me, her co-writer, Richard DeNeut, also co-wrote the autobiography of actress-turned-nun, Dolores Hart. This was a good read, often very moving. I quite enjoyed it. (Thanks, Mom.)

- Tim Bazzett, author of the memoir, BOOKLOVER ( )
  TimBazzett | Jul 2, 2023 |
I enjoyed reading an entire life time of experiences ( )
  BelleVernon | Aug 19, 2012 |
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The acclaimed autobiography from the Tony and Academy Award-winning actress casts Patricia Neal in her greatest role--as the indomitable heroine of her own incredible real-life story: "Destined for bestsellerdom" (Library Journal). Throughout her triumphant career, Patricia Neal faced a series of devastating challenges and losses, sometimes privately, sometimes before an audience of millions. By age twenty-one, the self-confident, determined, Southern-bred actress had starred in a Broadway hit, won a Tony, was "the toast of New York" and was featured on a Life cover--only the first of many triumphs in a celebrity life.      "In this account, Neal writes candidly about her numerous love affairs, both transient and profound, such as a liaison with Gary Cooper and her twenty-five-year marriage to writer Roald Dahl. More arresting are the tragedies that beset her, including the deaths of two of her five children and, at age thirty-nine, a massive stroke suffered when she was at the peak of her career and carrying her fifth child. Her heroic struggle to regain her speech, mobility, and mental capacities adds another dimension to an already courageous human being" (Publishers Weekly).

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