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Joe Steele

di Harry Turtledove

Altri autori: Paul Youll (Immagine di copertina)

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"New York Times bestselling author Harry Turtledove's thought-provoking forays into the past have produced such intriguing "what-if" novels as Ruled Britannia, Days of Infamy, and Opening Atlantis. Now "the maven of alternate history" (The San Diego Union-Tribune) envisions the election of a United States President whose political power will redefine what the nation is-and what it means to be American... President Herbert Hoover has failed America. The Great Depression that rose from the ashes of the 1929 stock market crash still casts its dark shadow over the country. Despairing and desperate, the American people hope one of the potential Democratic candidates-New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and California congressman Joe Steele-can get the nation on the road to recovery. But fate snatches away one hope when a mansion fire claims the life of Roosevelt, leaving the Democratic party little choice but to nominate Steele, son of a Russian immigrant laborer who identifies more with the common man than with Washington D.C.'s wealthy power brokers. Achieving a landslide victory, President Joe Steele wastes no time pushing through Congress reforms that put citizens back to work. Anyone who gets in his way is getting in the way of America, and that includes the highest in the land. Joe Steele's critics may believe the government is gaining too much control, but they tend to find themselves in work camps if they make too much noise about it. And most people welcome strong leadership, full employment, and an absence of complaining from the newspapers-especially as Hitler and Trotsky begin the kind of posturing that seems sure to drag America into war. "--… (altro)
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Harry Turtledove writes page-turners; they aren’t great literature but you want to see what happens next. In this case, the premise is a Russian family immigrates to California, where they have a son. He changes his name to Joe Steele (it’s commented that his original family name “sounded like a sneeze”) becomes a lawyer and is elected to Congress. In 1932, with the country deep in the Depression, he vies for the Democratic presidential nomination, proposing his “4 Year Plan” in completion with Roosevelt’s “New Deal” – well, spoilers would follow, but you can probably guess what happens.

Contemplating Steele’s career – which Turtledove makes perfectly plausible – gives me a different take on FDR. I know people of my parent’s generation saw him as the next best thing to The Second Coming. I am therefore grateful that FDR was an affable and basically decent dilettante rather than someone more nefarious; a number of his confidants urged him to assume dictatorial powers (including, reportedly, Eleanor). He probably could have if he’d tried. He didn’t. He may not have had the best possible response to the Great Depression – but it wasn’t the worst possible, either. I will think on that some more. ( )
1 vota setnahkt | Dec 13, 2017 |
Harry Turtledove is known for the revisionist history genre, and this story fits the bill completely. Personally I find it interesting to play the game of “what if . . . “ but I'm sure there are those that would be completely bored by the speculative nature of the genre. That being said, once again Harry has done a wonderful job of playing the game and making it seem plausible. I want to thank the publishers, NetGalley, and of course the author for the opportunity to read another enjoyable installment of his work. ( )
  dmclane | Apr 11, 2015 |
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Harry Turtledoveautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Youll, PaulImmagine di copertinaautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Joe Steele is for Janis Ian.
The novel Joe Steele has a plotline derived from the short story "Joe Steele" which appeared in Stars:Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian, edited by Janis Ian and Mike Resnick (DAW Books: New York, 2001). In "god & the fbi,", Janis wrote "Stalin was a Democrat..."  I started wondering how and why Stalin might have become a Democrat, and the story grew from there. So that's one reason why I've dedicated the novel to her.
But wait! There's more! When I was a teenager, still living at home, I listened to Janis' music and read the article about her in Life. (She was a teenager, still living at home, then, too.)  I never dreamt that I might day meet her.  I really never dreamt that we might become friends. That we have means a lot to me in a lot of different ways. So thanks, Janis.  Thanks for everything.  This one's for you.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"New York Times bestselling author Harry Turtledove's thought-provoking forays into the past have produced such intriguing "what-if" novels as Ruled Britannia, Days of Infamy, and Opening Atlantis. Now "the maven of alternate history" (The San Diego Union-Tribune) envisions the election of a United States President whose political power will redefine what the nation is-and what it means to be American... President Herbert Hoover has failed America. The Great Depression that rose from the ashes of the 1929 stock market crash still casts its dark shadow over the country. Despairing and desperate, the American people hope one of the potential Democratic candidates-New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and California congressman Joe Steele-can get the nation on the road to recovery. But fate snatches away one hope when a mansion fire claims the life of Roosevelt, leaving the Democratic party little choice but to nominate Steele, son of a Russian immigrant laborer who identifies more with the common man than with Washington D.C.'s wealthy power brokers. Achieving a landslide victory, President Joe Steele wastes no time pushing through Congress reforms that put citizens back to work. Anyone who gets in his way is getting in the way of America, and that includes the highest in the land. Joe Steele's critics may believe the government is gaining too much control, but they tend to find themselves in work camps if they make too much noise about it. And most people welcome strong leadership, full employment, and an absence of complaining from the newspapers-especially as Hitler and Trotsky begin the kind of posturing that seems sure to drag America into war. "--

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