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Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care

di Alan Greene

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811342,219 (4.17)Nessuno
In this illustrated and easy-to-use guide, noted pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, a leading voice of the green baby movement, advises parents how to make healthy green choices for pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care--from feeding your baby the best food available to using medicines wisely. Consumer advocate Jeanette Pavini includes information for making smart choices and applying green principles to a whole new universe of products from zero-VOC paints for the nursery, to pure and gentle lotions for baby's delicate skin, to the eco-friendly diapers now in the marketplace, as well as specific recommendations for hundreds of other products.… (altro)
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I really, really like the information presented in this book and the idea that there is so much gunk in the world, and it hasn't been that way for very long, that can actually be detrimental to our health. Why wouldn't you want to take steps to create a more healthy environment, especially for your little ones who are so much more susceptible to negative effects of toxins than adults are? It's good information, but also easy to get freaked out about EVERYTHING. Becoming educated about this stuff has really opened my eyes, and I'm working to find a balance between doing better but not going overboard and getting totally paranoid. It's all in making small changes one at a time, and finding the changes you can make that work with your lifestyle and resources. ( )
  iamexhumed | May 13, 2010 |
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In this illustrated and easy-to-use guide, noted pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, a leading voice of the green baby movement, advises parents how to make healthy green choices for pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care--from feeding your baby the best food available to using medicines wisely. Consumer advocate Jeanette Pavini includes information for making smart choices and applying green principles to a whole new universe of products from zero-VOC paints for the nursery, to pure and gentle lotions for baby's delicate skin, to the eco-friendly diapers now in the marketplace, as well as specific recommendations for hundreds of other products.

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