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I WILL RUIN YOU: The Twisted Truth Behind The Kit Martin Murder Trial

di Emilio Corsetti III

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Did the State of Kentucky convict an innocent man? Moments before boarding a passenger flight on 11 May 2019 as the first officer, pilot Christian "Kit" Martin, a former army ranger, was arrested by a swarm of heavily armed officers for the murders of three of his neighbors. The arrest captured global attention as Martin's mugshot, clad in a pilot's uniform, spread across the internet, sparking a media firestorm with headlines such as "Monster in the Cockpit." A combat helicopter pilot, Kit Martin had seen his life unravel after seeking a divorce. His wife's threatening words, "If you leave me, I will ruin your life ...," overheard by his daughter, seemed to have become a grim reality, escalating to a court-martial and culminating in a high-stakes murder trial at which he was convicted. I WILL RUIN YOU!: The Twisted Truth Behind the Kit Martin Murder Trial delves into the complex circumstances behind Martin's story. It looks beyond the sensational headlines and legal turmoil into the heart of this controversial case. With an investigative journalist's eye, author Emilio Corsetti III presents the facts of the crime that led to the arrest and the extraordinary lengths used to secure a conviction in this unforgettable true crime page-turner.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daIBooktrovert, LilyRoseShadowlyn

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If you're a true crime junkie like me, you are going to get so wrapped up in this book that you'll be walking around your house more focused on reading than any of the chores that you're only half trying to accomplish. (Seriously, I almost walked into a wall.) Where do I start? Although this is non-fiction, it isn't dry or boring. I swear I could hear my favorite ID narrator as I was reading this. I can't say I have a clear memory of the trial, but I know so much about it now, including the events that led to it. The events are laid out so cleanly that you're able to draw your own conclusions. If you're a true crime lover like I am, or followed the trial and want to know everything that wasn't publicly covered, then you'll want to grab this! ( )
  LilyRoseShadowlyn | May 12, 2024 |
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Did the State of Kentucky convict an innocent man? Moments before boarding a passenger flight on 11 May 2019 as the first officer, pilot Christian "Kit" Martin, a former army ranger, was arrested by a swarm of heavily armed officers for the murders of three of his neighbors. The arrest captured global attention as Martin's mugshot, clad in a pilot's uniform, spread across the internet, sparking a media firestorm with headlines such as "Monster in the Cockpit." A combat helicopter pilot, Kit Martin had seen his life unravel after seeking a divorce. His wife's threatening words, "If you leave me, I will ruin your life ...," overheard by his daughter, seemed to have become a grim reality, escalating to a court-martial and culminating in a high-stakes murder trial at which he was convicted. I WILL RUIN YOU!: The Twisted Truth Behind the Kit Martin Murder Trial delves into the complex circumstances behind Martin's story. It looks beyond the sensational headlines and legal turmoil into the heart of this controversial case. With an investigative journalist's eye, author Emilio Corsetti III presents the facts of the crime that led to the arrest and the extraordinary lengths used to secure a conviction in this unforgettable true crime page-turner.

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