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Falmouth Echoes (A Cape Cod Series Book 2)

di Kimberly Thomas

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Two years ago, Sophia decided that she and her husband needed to divorce. After their two children left home they were drifting further apart and she decided that they both deserved happiness. Now, she just isn't sure that she did the right thing. Her children are drifting further away from her and she's in a job that doesn't satisfy her and is living in her father's house. She has zero self confidence and is afraid to try anything new and is caught up in thinking about her life but not willing to make positive steps to help her find happiness.

Sophia's life is full. She has the huge Wilson family that enjoys spending time together. She has just found out that she and Lily are sisters and they are establishing a solid bond with each other. She and her daughter are getting closer and even though her son is working in Africa, she feels that they are getting along better. She is working in a bakery but what she really wants is to own her own bakery but she's afraid to make that happen. Plus her ex-husband Darren is still an important part of her family and she is becoming very unsure of why she ended the marriage when he is still one of her best friends. Can Sophie find the strength and the self confidence to make changes in her life that will make her happy?

This was a great addition to the Cape Cod series. We all think by the time we get older, we will have our lives figured out. Sophia proves that this just isn't true. She's in her 40s and still doesn't know what she needs to do to find the happy life that she desires. She finds out that starting over to find yourself is worth the effort and there can be happiness at the end of changes. ( )
  susan0316 | May 12, 2024 |
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