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Bloody Hearts (The Fury of a Vampire Witch Book 7)

di Theophilus Monroe

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Just when I thought I'd found someone to love... ... a damn Cupid shows up and shoots me in the ass!Not just me, either.The nasty bugger can't stop firing his damned arrows. If you thought love triangles were complex... try a love dodecahedron. I mean, when a bunch of deadly vampires all think they're in love... ...and jealousy takes over... Heads are going to fly. How'd these Cupids end up here to begin with? I'm beginning to think something else is responsible... something familiar... Because they're not sowing love. They're breeding chaos. Bloody Hearts is the seventh book in The Fury of a Vampire Witch. You've met Mercy before in The Legacy of a Vampire Witch and The Blood Witch Saga. She's fought against devils and demons, insidious witches, and old-world vampires. When she returns to Exeter, where she grew up as a girl, she'll find enemies even bigger and badder than anything she's ever faced before. A great series for fans of the True Blood / Sookie Stackhouse novels or the Unde...… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daQuakerwidow
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Set aside an afternoon for this dark, fast-paced contemporary adult urban fantasy set mainly in Providence, Rhode Island where Mercy Brown, with her coven and friends, battles Oblivion and his cupids.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. ( )
  Quakerwidow | Feb 17, 2024 |
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Just when I thought I'd found someone to love... ... a damn Cupid shows up and shoots me in the ass!Not just me, either.The nasty bugger can't stop firing his damned arrows. If you thought love triangles were complex... try a love dodecahedron. I mean, when a bunch of deadly vampires all think they're in love... ...and jealousy takes over... Heads are going to fly. How'd these Cupids end up here to begin with? I'm beginning to think something else is responsible... something familiar... Because they're not sowing love. They're breeding chaos. Bloody Hearts is the seventh book in The Fury of a Vampire Witch. You've met Mercy before in The Legacy of a Vampire Witch and The Blood Witch Saga. She's fought against devils and demons, insidious witches, and old-world vampires. When she returns to Exeter, where she grew up as a girl, she'll find enemies even bigger and badder than anything she's ever faced before. A great series for fans of the True Blood / Sookie Stackhouse novels or the Unde...

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