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Worlds Apart

di L. L. Keyes

Serie: Immortal Rising (1)

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12111,660,891 (3.83)Nessuno
Worlds Apart, the first volume in the Immortal Rising series, is a gripping science fiction tale set in a post-apocalyptic world where Riva Dorn awakens from a century-long hibernation to find Earth dominated by immortals. As the lone survivor from her hibernation chamber, she sets out to find others and discovers a world fraught with deception and a fabricated history of violence that threatens to reignite old conflicts. The novel explores themes of trust, morality, and survival, setting the stage for a future where humans and immortals must navigate an uneasy alliance. It's a story of resilience, the quest for truth, and the hope for reconciliation in a divided world.… (altro)
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Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
The concept of this book was so intriguing and it was interesting to see how immortals would shape the world. Unfortuanatley this book ended up being not quite what I hope for. It started off quite slow and although it did get more interesting, I just never fully got immersed. That being said, I think there are people who would love this book - it isn't bad. I just struggled with the style and wish that the characters had had more distinct voices as I think that could have helped make it more immersive and easier to get invested in the characters (and their rather unique and interesting world!).
  TheAceOfPages | Sep 3, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
A very interesting take on immortality and its potential impact on society. I wish we knew a little more about society before the mortals slept underground. Needs some polish, but a very good story all around.
  Nicole_Russell | Aug 14, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I received this book through Library Thing's Early Reviewer program.

The story has multiple first person narrators. Riva is a young human woman, who was manager of one of the hibernation colonies on earth; after a genetic change spawned a race of golden eyed, immortal humans, the rest of humanity created a bioweapon to destroy them all and went into stasis for 100 years. Edam is an immortal who remembers the time of conflict between immortal and moral humans. Trace is an immortal who only knows the post-mortal world. But the bioweapon didn't go off, and Riva's commander wants to go back into hibernation and try again.

World's Apart is well written. "A powerful biology hides an insidious secret within us all, whispering a siren song, locking itself behind a Pandora's box of trouble." The characters are compelling, and the plot is engaging.

There are also a few errors that were missed by editors. "His voice was tight. Riva could hear the alarm she felt; it reflected in his voice. Riva could hear the alarm he felt echoed in his voice." "She her loosened her grip." "He should said 'yes' to this a century ago." "Then Edam a movement drew his attention."
These critiques do not detract from the overall quality of the book.

The ending felt a bit long. Usually, the crisis is averted and the novel ends with a vague, hopeful sentiment about the future. After the crisis is resolved, several chapters are devoted to planning for the future; I think some of this could be moved to the sequel. Riva also felt overly emotional at this part of the novel - I would have preferred less descriptions of her perceived inadequacy for the task. ( )
  AliciaBooks | Jul 24, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
The premise of 'Worlds Apart' is intriguing, to say the least. A future earth torn apart by war due to an accident in medical technology, causing a split in human biology. Humans go to sleep for a hundred years to find themselves back to square one when it comes to their history with the "immortals".

Some of the critics of this book are being a tad to critical. The book presents an interesting plot that falls short on depth. This is a common theme for many items in the novel. In an effort to make flesh out the character the author unfortunately makes them overly emotional at times; however, I personally did not find this to distracting.

All in all, the book is a good read for fans of sci-fi. I have a feeling the author will be writing again in this world. My hope is that she will take the feedback and make it a great one!

I received a free copy of this book I'm exchange for a fair and honest review. ( )
  David_Fosco | May 22, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I enjoyed this book. The author created an interesting future world with resulting ethical dilemmas. The story included a mix of the usual hero, baddy, baddy’s cohorts and those trying to stop the baddy and vision a better world. I thought the conflict/fighting scenes were well written and I was invested in the main character. ( )
  TinaC1 | May 11, 2024 |
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Worlds Apart, the first volume in the Immortal Rising series, is a gripping science fiction tale set in a post-apocalyptic world where Riva Dorn awakens from a century-long hibernation to find Earth dominated by immortals. As the lone survivor from her hibernation chamber, she sets out to find others and discovers a world fraught with deception and a fabricated history of violence that threatens to reignite old conflicts. The novel explores themes of trust, morality, and survival, setting the stage for a future where humans and immortals must navigate an uneasy alliance. It's a story of resilience, the quest for truth, and the hope for reconciliation in a divided world.

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Il libro di L. L. Keyes Worlds Apart è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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