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Distant Dreams

di Judith Pella, Tracie Peterson

Serie: Ribbons of Steel (1)

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371571,773 (3.57)Nessuno
Fiction. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. The first book in a sweeping historical series from two bestselling authors; young Carolina Adams is fascinated with the expanding railroad in the 1830's.
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It just seems to go on & on....

There's a black monster coming! The iron beast smelled as it belched black smoke. Sparks made the ground catch fire! Carolina Adams was 15, and her mother, Margaret, didn't like her father, Joseph, calling her a child. The parents conversation was drowned out by the noise, & Carolina moved closer to the machine. Philip Thomas, President of the B&O Railroad announced that the trip from Baltimore to Washington had been successful, having taken a little more than 2 hours. Carolina asked questions about everything, although sometimes her questions weren't considered appropriate for a young lady. Thomas announced that machines like the locomotive would be the key to unlocking dreams. Carolina was asked to be one of the first to ride the engine! The place where she was to ride was usually filled with coal. Others were chosen to ride, then the engine moved down the track about 20 feet. When she got off she noticed stains on her white kid gloves... ( )
  CAFinNY | Apr 26, 2019 |
I would rate this book higher (the writing is superb - i fell in love with the hero and heroine and their romance) BUT the book just ends. No resolution to any of the story lines. In fact, they are all worse. I don't mind a secondary story line left hanging for a sequel but I become very dissatisfied when a book leaves me with nothing resolved at all. I feel like I have just wasted the time it took me to read it. If you're like me, don't read this book unless you have all the subsequent books handy. ( )
  MeezCarrie | Aug 31, 2015 |
If you love a good fiction story with history about America's westward expansion in 1835 with the beginning of the railroad, then this series is one you will thoroughly enjoy. This is a time where society looks down upon women who aspire to learn and expand their horizons.

Carolina Adams is 15 years old when this story begins, and has fallen in love with the railroad in its beginning stages. But no one understands her thirst for knowledge, except for her father. He hires Carolina a tutor to teach her many subjects, but especially about the railroad. James is right out of college and in love with the railroad. His father wants him to follow in his footsteps with banking, but James wants nothing to do with it. So he takes a tutoring job and will help Carolina in her thirst for knowledge. James is also expected to marry, so he sets out to "court" Carolina's older sister, Virginia. (I will insert here how much I enjoyed the Adam's family and how they named all their children after states.)

There will be a train derailment, sorrow over death, a manipulation for a marriage proposal and a unexpected feeling of love between two people that will come to late. All in all, I found great pleasure in reading this story. The people seemed real and it was interesting to read about the times in which they were living. The book will leave you hanging and ready to pick up the next book in this series, "A Hope Beyond". ( )
  judyg54 | Feb 11, 2015 |
First book in the Ribbons of Steel historical fiction series highlighting both the expansion of railroads to the near west in the early 1800s and the developing issues surrounding slavery in the south. The Adams family, protagonists in the story, are plantation owners, and middle daughter Carolina is the main character highlighted throughout the three book series. I'm rating the series as a whole because it is difficult to read the first book without wanting to find out what happens to Carolina and her siblings and parents. As with other series by these two authors there are definite villains in this series who are either redeemed or receive their comeuppance before the series ends. I enjoyed it, but one must like historical fiction in order to truly like these books. ( )
  SherylHendrix | May 28, 2014 |
Distant Dreams is the first book in the Ribbons of Steel series. The series follows the Adams family through life in the early-mid 1800's. Carolina, the second oldest daughter, is much of the focus of the story. With incredible detail, well developed characters and a nod to historical accuracy, this book reminds me of those written by Diana Gabaldon as part of the Outlander series. Although some may call this a religious story, I didn't find the spirituality more than showcasing what made the characters who they are. If you are looking for a light and quick read, this is not it. This is a deep read that at the same time is quite enjoyable. ( )
  sunnydrk | Nov 17, 2013 |
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Judith Pellaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Peterson, Tracieautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Fiction. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. The first book in a sweeping historical series from two bestselling authors; young Carolina Adams is fascinated with the expanding railroad in the 1830's.

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