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Falling for Alaska

di Belle Calhoune

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A small-town restaurateur, True Everett, and a big-city former football player, Xavier Stone, go head-to-head in this heartfelt enemies-to-lovers romance. "As the oldest of three brothers, former pro-football player Xavier Stone is no stranger to making tough calls. Like returning to his small hometown of Moose Falls, Alaska to help run his grandmother's hard cider company and gastro pub. He agrees to keep an open mind, but between working with his estranged father and confronting heavy childhood memories with his brothers, Xavier's ready to rush back to civilization. Even the stunning woman who runs his grandmother's restaurant seems to instantly dislike him... True Everett knows better than to let a ridiculously handsome man distract her, especially when it's the same guy who stands between her and owning Northern Exposure, the tavern she manages. She didn't pour her soul into the restaurant just for Xavier to swoop in and snatch away her dreams. But amid all the barbs--and, fine... all the sparks--flying, True glimpses the man beneath the swagger. That version of Xavier, the real one, might just steal True's heart."--… (altro)
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Falling for Alaska by Belle Calhoune is the story of ex NFL star Xavier Stone who, with his two brothers, is drawn back to his childhood hometown in Alaska by an offer from his dying grandmother to inherit the family business if he and his brothers spend one year there working with their estranged father. Xavier is drawn to True Everett who runs their family-owned tavern and she to him. True is raising her young brother following the death of her parents.

I was immediately drawn in by the prologue in which a young Xavier and his two younger brothers are being taken away from Alaska by their mother to live in Arizona. The sadness he has about leaving, the way he comforts his siblings, and the way their father is depicted watching them leave all tugged at my heartstrings. What disappointed me most about this book was that even though they are brought back to Alaska and there is interaction with the estranged father, I wanted to read more about the healing and tension between them. It just didn't delve as deep as I wanted. Perhaps there will be more in future books, as I'm assuming there will be at least two more books to tell Caleb and Landon's stories. I am particularly interested in Landon's.

As for the romance between Xavier and True, it was cute and made me think of a Hallmark movie. Personally, I like more relationship development. I loved True's brother and enjoyed Xavier's interaction with him. All in all, it was a quick and easy read. I will keep an eye out for a possible continuation to this series.

My sincere thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book and give my unbiased opinion of it. ( )
  sdbookhound | Feb 20, 2024 |
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A small-town restaurateur, True Everett, and a big-city former football player, Xavier Stone, go head-to-head in this heartfelt enemies-to-lovers romance. "As the oldest of three brothers, former pro-football player Xavier Stone is no stranger to making tough calls. Like returning to his small hometown of Moose Falls, Alaska to help run his grandmother's hard cider company and gastro pub. He agrees to keep an open mind, but between working with his estranged father and confronting heavy childhood memories with his brothers, Xavier's ready to rush back to civilization. Even the stunning woman who runs his grandmother's restaurant seems to instantly dislike him... True Everett knows better than to let a ridiculously handsome man distract her, especially when it's the same guy who stands between her and owning Northern Exposure, the tavern she manages. She didn't pour her soul into the restaurant just for Xavier to swoop in and snatch away her dreams. But amid all the barbs--and, fine... all the sparks--flying, True glimpses the man beneath the swagger. That version of Xavier, the real one, might just steal True's heart."--

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