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Only One Life: A Novel (Pegasus Crime)

di Sara Blaedel

Serie: Louise Rick (3)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
27515100,116 (3.46)23
Inspector Louise Rick is called out to Holbraek Fjord when a young immigrant girl is found drowned, a piece of concrete tied around her waist and two mysterious circular patches on the back of her neck. Navigating the complex web of family and community ties in Copenhagen's tightly knit ethnic communities, Louise must find the remorseless predator, or predators, before it is too late.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 23 citazioni

I found this book very interesting. It's set in Denmark and reflects the culture there. It also focuses on their "immigrant problem," in this case with a Jordanian family. Either the translation or the author's English is poor, so the rioting sometimes was flat or ungrammatical, but I still plan to read her other books. ( )
  kvoldstad | Jun 6, 2022 |
Only One Life is the third book in author Sara Blaedel’s Louise Rick Police Procedural series but the second one to be translated from Danish to English. In this outing Louise is involved in the investigation into the death of a Jordanian immigrant teen in a small Danish town. Because the victim was a young emigrant Muslim, the police immediately suspect that she was a victim of a family honor killing and turned their attention on the family.

Although the story was interesting, I found it was moving too slowly and I was beginning to lose interest when a second death occurred which propelled the case forward and finally focused the investigation in the right direction. Unfortunately many believed in the theory of an honor killing and there were anti-immigrant slurs and the hint of violence that had to be dealt with.

Overall I found the book lacked suspense, but the tension between the two different cultures was handled well. The author kept a good balance between Louise’s work life and her private life, and I will be reading on in the series. ( )
  DeltaQueen50 | May 27, 2022 |
Thumbs up ( )
  Deb101 | May 20, 2021 |
I found it to be a tad slow but that could have been because I was listening to it as an audiobook and the narrator was about as thrilling as if Siri had read the book to me -- very monotone.

It picks up at the end ...

Adrianne ( )
  Adrianne_p | Nov 21, 2017 |
My first book by Sara Blaedel, a Danish mystery writer. The story certainly held my interest but a few jarring spots (I'm assuming because of the interpretation into English ) stopped me in mid track. Still, I liked the book and will read her others. ( )
  Dianekeenoy | Sep 5, 2015 |
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For Leif and Annegrethe
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She could just make out the blue flashes between the densely grown tree trunks, but she couldn’t see how many police vehicles were at the scene.
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The Drowned Girl previously published as Only One Life.
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Inspector Louise Rick is called out to Holbraek Fjord when a young immigrant girl is found drowned, a piece of concrete tied around her waist and two mysterious circular patches on the back of her neck. Navigating the complex web of family and community ties in Copenhagen's tightly knit ethnic communities, Louise must find the remorseless predator, or predators, before it is too late.

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Media: (3.46)
1 1
1.5 1
2 6
2.5 3
3 17
3.5 12
4 21
4.5 3
5 6

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