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Death's Obsession: A Paranormal Dark Romance

di Avina St. Graves

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"He's coming for you. Death is meant to come on a chariot of broken dreams or in the dark trenches of a storm, not in love letters and gifts. He did not take my sould when I was meant to die. He did not want it all the other times that I've offered it to him on a silver platter. Yet, time and time, again he reminds me that I am his: his night monster, his dark love, his perfect other. Death was the only thing keeping me alove. He watches me from his corner, taunts me with sweet messages, marks my body with his touch as I sleep. He took the people that I love away from me. Still, no one believed me when I said that I saw the faceless man on the night of the accident, No one can escape death. Me? I'm chasing it."--from back cover.… (altro)
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Twas good ( )
  3starzard | Jul 21, 2024 |
I love when books keep you glued from the front cover to the back. This particular book had me hooked simply by the premise and the idea that this has the Hades and Persephone element to it. So, who am I to pass up such a book like that?

Recently, Lili had been in an accident. One that claimed the lives of her best friend and beloved twin alongside Deliah's boyfriend. Lilith had been the only survivor. Since then, Lilith does not feel like she should be alive but rather dead. But something has kept her that way and he's been leaving flowers and notes for her and making her feel as if she is losing her grip on reality. Lilith believes that the Grim Reaper is toying with her and soon he will come to claim what has belonged to him - her soul.

But that is not on the Reaper's agenda. No, he wants more than to claim more than her soul - he wants her body with it. His obsession with her straddles both reality and fantasy. He believes that she was made for him and he will go to great lengths to lay claim to what has always been his.

I don't know why but I needed this book like yesterday. I have had this book on my TBR just recently and I found it while going through one of my Kindles. The cover was beautiful and the premise promised me something dark with red flags and paranormal.

Death's obsession with Lilith causes her to believe that she is literally going insane. Every letter or gift he gives her - only she can see. She tries numerous times to show her therapist but they always disappear. Lilith wants to know if he is real, but she does not know how to prove it even to herself. That is until he starts pulling her into his world and showering her with everything she needs - food, money, etc. Things that help her in her daily life.

Her boyfriend, Evan, and she seem to be drifting apart, not that she really cares. As far as she is concerned, their relationship ended a long time ago, but she has been unable to say the words. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you see it), he seems to be moving quite happily. She has found him entertaining himself with other women. Again, Lilith does not seem to really care at all.

I love that relationship between Death and Lilith is slow-burn and not entirely hurried throughout the story. There is a plot but it is a bit hidden as the relationship heats up. Normally this would have been a bust for me, but this story really captivated me and I enjoyed the romance.


I picked up this book mainly because of the Hades and Persephone trope. This is a dark romance with many warnings listed to it. Please make sure that you check the warning before even deciding on this book. ( )
  Revengelyne | Jul 1, 2023 |
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"He's coming for you. Death is meant to come on a chariot of broken dreams or in the dark trenches of a storm, not in love letters and gifts. He did not take my sould when I was meant to die. He did not want it all the other times that I've offered it to him on a silver platter. Yet, time and time, again he reminds me that I am his: his night monster, his dark love, his perfect other. Death was the only thing keeping me alove. He watches me from his corner, taunts me with sweet messages, marks my body with his touch as I sleep. He took the people that I love away from me. Still, no one believed me when I said that I saw the faceless man on the night of the accident, No one can escape death. Me? I'm chasing it."--from back cover.

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