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Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit's Power

di J. P. Moreland

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277199,317 (3.8)1
Western society is in crisis, the result of our culture's embrace of naturalism and postmodernism. At the same time, the biblical worldview has been pushed to the margins. Christians have been strongly influenced by these trends, with the result that the personal lives of Christians often reflect the surrounding culture more than the way of Christ, and the church's transforming influence on society has waned. In Kingdom Triangle, J.P. Moreland issues a call to recapture the drama and power of kingdom living. He examines and provides a penetrating critique of these worldviews and shows how they have ushered in the current societal crisis. He then lays out a strategy for the Christian community to regain the potency of kingdom life and influence in the world. Drawing insights from the early church, he outlines three essential ingredients of this revolution: ? Recovery of the Christian mind ? Renovation of Christian spirituality ? Restoration of the power of the Holy Spirit He believes that evangelical Christianity can mature and lead the surrounding society out of the meaningless morass it finds itself in with humility and vision.… (altro)
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J.P. Moreland offers a three-fold mission statement of the kingdom of God for our generation: recover the mind, renovate the soul, and restore the power of the Spirit. Each of these areas of modern Christianity have taken a backseat in various circles and perhaps overemphasized in others. His plea is that followers of Christ step into the fullness of what life with God can look like - where Christ is Lord in all parts of us, not just the ones that come easy to us or is treasured by our tradition.
  HCC_ResourceLibrary | Jan 12, 2019 |
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Western society is in crisis, the result of our culture's embrace of naturalism and postmodernism. At the same time, the biblical worldview has been pushed to the margins. Christians have been strongly influenced by these trends, with the result that the personal lives of Christians often reflect the surrounding culture more than the way of Christ, and the church's transforming influence on society has waned. In Kingdom Triangle, J.P. Moreland issues a call to recapture the drama and power of kingdom living. He examines and provides a penetrating critique of these worldviews and shows how they have ushered in the current societal crisis. He then lays out a strategy for the Christian community to regain the potency of kingdom life and influence in the world. Drawing insights from the early church, he outlines three essential ingredients of this revolution: ? Recovery of the Christian mind ? Renovation of Christian spirituality ? Restoration of the power of the Holy Spirit He believes that evangelical Christianity can mature and lead the surrounding society out of the meaningless morass it finds itself in with humility and vision.

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2 4
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4 13
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