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I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me

di Jamison Shea

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"Laure Mesny is a perfectionist with an axe to grind. Despite being constantly overlooked in the elite and cutthroat world of the Parisian ballet, she will do anything to prove that a Black girl can take center stage. To level the playing field, Laure ventures deep into the depths of the Catacombs and strikes a deal with a pulsating river of blood. The primordial power Laure gains promises influence and adoration, everything she's dreamed of and worked toward. With retribution on her mind, she surpasses her bitter and privileged peers, leaving broken bodies behind her on her climb to stardom. But even as undeniable as she is, Laure is not the only monster around. And her vicious desires make her a perfect target for slaughter. As she descends into madness and the mystifying underworld beneath her, she is faced with the ultimate choice: continue to break herself for scraps of validation or succumb to the darkness that wants her exactly as she is -- monstrous heart and all. That is, if the god-killer doesn't catch her first. From debut author Jamison Shea comes I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, a slow-burn horror that lifts a veil on the institutions that profit on exclusion and the toll of giving everything to a world that will never love you back." --… (altro)
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All the mundane human horror and the social commentary it’s wrapped up in was done well. I could fully feel how the institution of the ballet was grinding Laure down, but also always dragging her in. The classism and racism on top of the vicious policing of her body created an atmosphere of simmering outraging and discomfort.
The fantastical side of the horror did not work as well for me. It fell flat. It could have gone a lot harder on the disturbing aspects of the supernatural elements and Laure’s corruption arc. I wanted more ‘villain’ in this ‘villain origin story’, tbh. Due to this, the more the story leaned into the supernatural plot and away from the ballet, the less into it I was. In the end, too, these elements never fully meshed so the focus and stakes felt somewhat confused.

For as much as Coralie is supposed to be so important to Laure (she’s her best friend, a part of her motivation, and a big blind spot for her) she is barely a character. The ending might have hit harder if I ever felt like I had a reason to feel even a fraction of what Laure felt for her. She could have been a foil or a more complex villain, but then it’s just, no, the real Coralie’s gone, not just changing like Laure. That's all we get. Idk.
None of the other characters felt as real or interesting as Laure.

I enjoyed the story overall, but the tone and genre of the marketing vs. the actual book didn’t fully align and there were definitely areas that could have been refined to focus the story. ( )
  solenophage | Sep 1, 2024 |
"I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me" by Jamison Shea, which is their debut, is a pretty good YA horror that combines the cut-throat world of ballet, a determined black girl who's already at a disadvantage facing colorism in the art form, and some primordial horror with an immense amount of power. It's about becoming the villain! And I love that. I loved the setup for the story, and the description of and interactions with the monster. The writing was pretty mid for a young adult book, not bad but not great either. I really liked the ending, but was a bit disappointed to realize that it wasn't quite over; it's the first in what I think is a duology or trilogy. Mostly what kept me from really loving this book was the interpersonal relationship between Laure and others; I wasn't convinced of the romantic subplot in particular. I love both covers for this book!
  alliepascal | Aug 27, 2024 |
Thank you to the publisher and bookishfirst for the copy (paperback out Aug)

I FEED HER TO THE BEAST AND THE BEAST IS ME is a thrilling novel that follows Laure, a ballerina. After a descent into the Paris catacombs, she makes a deal and becomes powerful. But things aren't as they seem, and when her friends start dying, she must fight the monster she didn't know that she knew.
Once I got through the first few chapters, which focused a lot on ballet---those chapters set the tone for the story so they were much needed---the book was undeniably great. It drew me in. Like I devoured this book. The horrifying idea of getting what one wishes for---power greater than anyone can control---was almost nail-biting, leaving me on the edge of my seat as I watched Laure's story unfold. As I saw the troubles that became of one's deepest desires.
If I had to describe I FEED HER TO THE BEAST AND THE BEAST IS ME, I would describe it as powerful I loved the descriptions that were used. I loved the nonstop drama, how secrets ate the characters alive. Jamison was able to paint a picture with they're words, and I can't wait for book two. ( )
  toriann19 | Aug 20, 2024 |
I loved the setting and the premise of this so much -- Laure Mesny, a Black ballerina, is trying to succeed in the cutthroat (and racist) Parisian ballet scene. It was like Ace of Spades meets Center Stage and throw in a deal with the devil.
This was so dark, through and through. There are no shades of gray. Every character is horrible, the only difference between them is that some know it and some don't. As a horror lover, I really liked how atmospheric it was.
I think I would have liked to see a bit more character development in Laure before she makes her deal. That made it hard to root for her, or to even believe she deserved the success she was taking. But other than that, this was an easy book to get engrossed in, and a fun horror novel! ( )
  kdowli01 | Aug 18, 2024 |
Laure Mesny is a student at a prestigious ballet school in Paris, relentlessly pushing herself to the point of being bruised and bloody, aiming for a coveted spot as an apprentice in the Paris Ballet Company. No matter how much effort she makes, her fellow students and teachers constantly dismiss her because of her race and upbringing. Worn down by their prejudice and angry about being overlooked and powerless, she makes a bargain with a mysterious being in a bloody river deep in the catacombs.
Suddenly she has unprecedented control and influence and becomes unable to resist using her newfound power to advance her career, hurting those who stand in her way. The story follows Laure's transition from being a victim of monstrous treatment to becoming a monster herself.
This unique debut horror novel is creepy, unsettling and deliciously dark. The story explores themes of racism, privilege, nepotism, entitlement and power. The setting was atmospheric and vivid, alternating between the beautiful Palais Garnier and the gloomy depths of the Paris catacombs.
The writing skillfully weaves fantasy, horror and real-world elements creating a compelling, haunting, tense and exciting story. I could not stop reading and am thrilled to hear there will be a sequel. ( )
  PennyOlson | Nov 29, 2023 |
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"Laure Mesny is a perfectionist with an axe to grind. Despite being constantly overlooked in the elite and cutthroat world of the Parisian ballet, she will do anything to prove that a Black girl can take center stage. To level the playing field, Laure ventures deep into the depths of the Catacombs and strikes a deal with a pulsating river of blood. The primordial power Laure gains promises influence and adoration, everything she's dreamed of and worked toward. With retribution on her mind, she surpasses her bitter and privileged peers, leaving broken bodies behind her on her climb to stardom. But even as undeniable as she is, Laure is not the only monster around. And her vicious desires make her a perfect target for slaughter. As she descends into madness and the mystifying underworld beneath her, she is faced with the ultimate choice: continue to break herself for scraps of validation or succumb to the darkness that wants her exactly as she is -- monstrous heart and all. That is, if the god-killer doesn't catch her first. From debut author Jamison Shea comes I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, a slow-burn horror that lifts a veil on the institutions that profit on exclusion and the toll of giving everything to a world that will never love you back." --

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