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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:Wanted: Women with religious upbringing, high morals, and a strong sense of adventure, willing to marry decent, God-fearing men. Applicants may apply by mail. Must allow at least two months for an answer.
On the run from a no-good scoundrel, Glory reluctantly joins a wagon train of mail-order brides heading for Denver City. But her backwoods upbringing and fierce independence put her at odds with the other girls—and with the rules Jackson Lincoln Montgomery, the handsome wagon master, sets for their traveling party.
Jackson had his doubts about seeing five young women safely to Colorado, and adding Glory to his charge only makes his job all the harder . . . especially after she shares her secret with him. As Glory's past is revealed, both Jackson and Glory learn how to set aside their stubborn pride and embrace love.
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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
I found myself laughing out loud while reading this delightful story of a sheltered young woman, growing into an adorable young lady. Glory finds her "Poppy" has died and left her with a bagful of god, but nothing else. She is very naive when it comes to being around other people, as she lived her life in the cabin, learning how to shoot, hunt and take care of her Poppy. She finds herself running from her greedy uncle who wants her gold and she finds a wagon load of mail-order brides traveling to Colorado and they take her under their wings. The wagonmaster, Jackson, has his work cut out for him with this wagon of women and Glory makes it even more interesting. Glory's thoughts on bathing are she takes 2 a year, in the Spring and the Fall. As Glory learns from these other young ladies, she becomes someone Jackson seems to be growing quite fond of (even if they do seem to fight and argue alot).

This is just another good story by Lori Copeland about the 'Brides of the West'. It is a stand alone story, but the next two in the series will be about more of these mail-order brides that are traveling with Glory and Jackson. Looking forward to reading them next, 'Ruth' and then 'Patience'. ( )
  judyg54 | Jul 2, 2019 |
I love this series. I had a little more trouble with Glory's story... but still deserving of a 4 star review. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
I love this series. I had a little more trouble with Glory's story... but still deserving of a 4 star review. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
The fourth book in Lori Copeland's popular historical romance series about mail-order brides. Glory, a young woman whose only relative has just died, joins up with a wagon train of mail-order brides en route to Colorado. Lively adventures, valuable lessons, and a heartwarming romance soon follow.
Book 4 of the Brides of the West series. I liked this one too but the plot wasn't very realistic. It was a cute, clean romance though.

Innuendo: Some kissing, not a problem.

Violence: Some drunk men fight and some people are hit (not a big deal though)

Drinking, Drugs, or Smoking: Some drunk characters, bars.

Swearing: Not a problem

Age Appropriate: 15 and up ( )
  I_recommend | Nov 1, 2009 |
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:Wanted: Women with religious upbringing, high morals, and a strong sense of adventure, willing to marry decent, God-fearing men. Applicants may apply by mail. Must allow at least two months for an answer.
On the run from a no-good scoundrel, Glory reluctantly joins a wagon train of mail-order brides heading for Denver City. But her backwoods upbringing and fierce independence put her at odds with the other girls—and with the rules Jackson Lincoln Montgomery, the handsome wagon master, sets for their traveling party.
Jackson had his doubts about seeing five young women safely to Colorado, and adding Glory to his charge only makes his job all the harder . . . especially after she shares her secret with him. As Glory's past is revealed, both Jackson and Glory learn how to set aside their stubborn pride and embrace love.

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