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Double the Lies

di Patricia Raybon

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In the cold and dangerous spring of 1924, amateur detective Annalee Spain races the clock to solve the murder of a white barnstorming pilot before the clever Black theologian-a target of the ruthless Colorado Klan-is framed for the crime, and before she is lured by the risky flirtations of the victim's dashing twin brother. As this second installment of Patricia Raybon's critically acclaimed mystery series opens, Annalee Spain offers her fancy lace handkerchief-a gift from her complicated pastor boyfriend, Jack Blake-to a young woman crying in a Denver public library. But later that night, when police find the handkerchief next to the body of the young woman's murdered husband, Annalee becomes the number one suspect, and her panic doubles when she learns that Jack has gone missing. With just days to solve the murder before the city's Klan-run police frame her for the crime, Annalee finds herself hunting for clues in the Colorado mountain town of Estes Park. She questions the victim's wife and her uncle, a wealthy Denver banker, at their mountain lodge, desperate for leads. Instead, she finds a household full of suspects and even more burning questions. Who keeps threatening her, why can't she find Jack, and will a dangerous flirtation be her undoing? Her answers plumb the depths of the human heart, including her own, exploring long-buried secrets, family lies, even city politics-all of which could cost the young detective her fledgling love . . . and perhaps even her life.… (altro)
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One night while at the library, Annalee witnesses a young woman crying after her husband has left her there alone. Annalee offers the woman her new gift from Jack, a beautiful handkerchief and accompanies the woman home, where they find the woman's husband dead. Annalee knows that if she stays, a black woman in a white man's house, she will be accused of the murder.
Annalee is warned by a cryptic message not to get involved, but she does. Jack goes missing. Annalee discovers that the young woman's uncle is a wealth banker. There is some involvement with a handsome barnstormer pilot and Annalee uncovers some secrets about a love that is unrequited.
I enjoyed this 2nd book in the series more than the 1st. Looking forward to what is next for Annalee. ( )
  rmarcin | Jun 24, 2023 |
This novel, like the first, is set in the 1920’s, amidst the resurgence of the KKK. In Double the Lies, the characters are becoming more aware of their presence. They are gaining ground in the community: The KKK is an imminent threat, and the reason Annalee must solve the mystery, throughout the story. Annalee is an inspiration as she continues to demonstrate grace, and dignity, even when confronting those who have made themselves her enemies.

I liked that the author has a natural spiritual thread throughout the book. Readers see Annalee struggle with trusting God. In the scary moments, readers see her genuine faith in action, when she simply prays for His help.

I enjoyed the quotes from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes books. They begin each chapter. Loved the mystery aspect to the story, filled with suspense and drama. I also liked how this author takes readers into the depths of the time period, racial tensions, and shows what a young black woman faces daily, and the things she has to be aware of while doing her super sleuthing. Annalee is an intelligent woman, who faces danger with her eyes open and ready to fight.

This is a fascinating read I couldn’t put down. It’s also a great book for your book club pick.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog ( )
  norastlaurent | Mar 3, 2023 |
3.5 Stars

Historical romance with a bit of mystery is how I would describe Double the Lies by Patricia Raybon. This book is the second in Raybon’s Annalee Spain mystery series, and while I enjoyed the story, I also felt this book lacked some of the elements of the previous book that made it stand out.

Annalee is as headstrong and determined to root out truth as ever, but there are moments when she seems to act contrary than the character I’ve gotten to know (that’s not to say many of us don’t do the same, though). It takes a while for the threads to come together, too.

When they do, readers get a good taste of Colorado history and meet some interesting characters—both new and old.

The book was entertaining but there was also nothing unexpected, which I prefer in my mysteries.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  Suzie27 | Mar 1, 2023 |
Thanks to NetGalley & Tyndale House Publishers for a digital advance reader copy. All comments and opinions are my own.

This is the second Annalee Spain Mystery in the series, and it’s as good as the first. You can easily read this as a stand-alone because author Patricia Raybon neatly fills in all the gaps for those who are picking this one up first. And once you finish, you’ll definitely want to read “All That Is Secret.”

Annalee Spain, a 24-year-old African American orphan who never knew her mother, is the newest detective in her corrupt “Mile High City” of Denver CO in 1924. With Sherlock Holmes as her role model, she looks to God for courage and strength. “She had prayed to God she could help confused people unravel their dramas and hurts – giving them her brave help. Even if she doesn’t always feel brave – or helpful. But as she had learned, help isn’t about feelings. Nor about being brave. Help is offering people what they need, when they need it.”

The action begins early in the first chapter, with Annalee coming across a murdered man in a new friend’s kitchen. The corrupt police think Annalee is the murderer because her handkerchief is found nearby, and because she’s Black. She explains her situation to the murdered man’s wife: “I’m a colored girl trying to solve a crime so that I don’t end up in the slammer for a murder I didn’t commit. If I can’t find the killer, I go to jail. Or the gallows.”

Raybon accurately recreates the racism and sexism of the time, describing the pervasive evilness of the Klan, the cultural mores of 1920s society, judgmental attitudes regarding race, the class differences between the wealthy and those just getting by. Additionally, Raybon paints a descriptive portrait of the period – where barnstorming pilots and airplanes are new and entertaining; negative attitudes towards Catholics and Jews, as well as Blacks; both legal and illegal investments; and businesses unaware of the upcoming crash of 1929.

While Annalee works to uncover the murderer, she discovers secrets and lies of the victim’s family. Using clues plus her intuition and the advice she recalls from Sherlock Holmes’ various cases, she puts herself in danger in order to find the truth.

There are several elements that take this novel a step above your typical amateur detective story. Annalee is determined and dogged, yet talented in making sense of seemingly random facts and clues. We are privy to Annalee’s honest thoughts and therefore I felt like I knew her. “I’m just starting to be a detective. Because it’s demanding and scary. Somedays I feel plumb crazy to even try.” Through these thoughts we learn of her sometimes tenuous relationship with God. It was encouraging as she leaned on Him during the most dangerous situations, and her uncertainty about what to do regarding moral decisions.

One fun aspect of the novel was how each chapter begins with a quote from one of Sherlock Holmes’ books. I enjoyed how each quote is a clue for the reader of the advice Annalee will need in that chapter.

Themes of family, lies, secrets, as well as dedication and loyalty are woven together in a tapestry where the truth is finally explained in an exciting and revealing edge-of-your-seat scene. This was an enjoyable historical mystery with a likeable heroine who demonstrates bravery as she tries to help people and discover her own dreams, friendships, and romantic love. ( )
  PhyllisReads | Jan 26, 2023 |
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In the cold and dangerous spring of 1924, amateur detective Annalee Spain races the clock to solve the murder of a white barnstorming pilot before the clever Black theologian-a target of the ruthless Colorado Klan-is framed for the crime, and before she is lured by the risky flirtations of the victim's dashing twin brother. As this second installment of Patricia Raybon's critically acclaimed mystery series opens, Annalee Spain offers her fancy lace handkerchief-a gift from her complicated pastor boyfriend, Jack Blake-to a young woman crying in a Denver public library. But later that night, when police find the handkerchief next to the body of the young woman's murdered husband, Annalee becomes the number one suspect, and her panic doubles when she learns that Jack has gone missing. With just days to solve the murder before the city's Klan-run police frame her for the crime, Annalee finds herself hunting for clues in the Colorado mountain town of Estes Park. She questions the victim's wife and her uncle, a wealthy Denver banker, at their mountain lodge, desperate for leads. Instead, she finds a household full of suspects and even more burning questions. Who keeps threatening her, why can't she find Jack, and will a dangerous flirtation be her undoing? Her answers plumb the depths of the human heart, including her own, exploring long-buried secrets, family lies, even city politics-all of which could cost the young detective her fledgling love . . . and perhaps even her life.

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