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Any Other City

di Hazel Jane Plante

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332753,992 (4.4)Nessuno
"The fictional memoir of a trans indie rock musician that reveals how the act of creation can heal trauma and even change the past. Any Other City is a two-sided fictional memoir by Tracy St. Cyr, who helms the beloved indie rock band Static Saints. Side A is a snapshot of her life from 1993, when Tracy arrives in a labyrinthine city as a fledgling artist and unexpectedly falls in with a clutch of trans women, including the iconoclastic visual artist Sadie Tang. Side B finds Tracy, now a semi-famous musician, in the same strange city in 2019, healing from a traumatic event through songwriting, queer kinship, and sexual pleasure. While writing her memoir, Tracy perceives how the past reverberates into the present, how a body is a time machine, how there's power in refusing to dust the past with powdered sugar, and how seedlings begin to slowly grow in empty spaces after things have been broken open. Motifs recur like musical phrases, and traces of what used to be there peek through, like a palimpsest. Any Other City is a novel about friendship and other forms of love, travelling in a body across decades, and transmuting trauma through art making and queer sex - a love letter to trans femmes and to art itself."--… (altro)
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2023. A not completely tragic trans story. About a successful musician, reflecting on her transition some years ago. About art and community and sex and travel. Really beautiful, perhaps a tad too ethereal. ( )
  kylekatz | May 11, 2024 |
All the characters in Any Other City felt like real, messy people. The exploration of this segment of punk trans femme queer culture was great - gritty, soft, and funny in balanced portions. The first section, in which the main character has not yet figured out that she’s trans, but is both beginning to have a gender crisis and getting her first connections to a trans community, was the most compelling to me. The way Tracy’s insecurity and denial of her own identity made her made her think and do some pretty unpleasant things to the other trans women in her life and the way they still recognized her before she knew herself were painfully real experiences to read about. The second section started to lose me for a while, but it came back to being touching and raw by the end.

I will warn this book is full of graphic and frequent sex scenes. I can appreciate the desire to portray sexuality openly and unflinchingly, whether it is beautiful or gross, damaging, freeing or just fun. However, the detailed descriptions did become a bit much to listen to for me at some point in the second half. Listening to it as an audiobook may have contributed to that. ( )
  solenophage | Aug 31, 2023 |
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"The fictional memoir of a trans indie rock musician that reveals how the act of creation can heal trauma and even change the past. Any Other City is a two-sided fictional memoir by Tracy St. Cyr, who helms the beloved indie rock band Static Saints. Side A is a snapshot of her life from 1993, when Tracy arrives in a labyrinthine city as a fledgling artist and unexpectedly falls in with a clutch of trans women, including the iconoclastic visual artist Sadie Tang. Side B finds Tracy, now a semi-famous musician, in the same strange city in 2019, healing from a traumatic event through songwriting, queer kinship, and sexual pleasure. While writing her memoir, Tracy perceives how the past reverberates into the present, how a body is a time machine, how there's power in refusing to dust the past with powdered sugar, and how seedlings begin to slowly grow in empty spaces after things have been broken open. Motifs recur like musical phrases, and traces of what used to be there peek through, like a palimpsest. Any Other City is a novel about friendship and other forms of love, travelling in a body across decades, and transmuting trauma through art making and queer sex - a love letter to trans femmes and to art itself."--

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