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Solo Leveling [Manhwa] Vol. 5 (2018)

di Chugong, Dubu (Illustratore), Dubu (Redice Studio) (Illustratore)

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Serie: Solo Leveling [Manhwa] (Vol. 5 (Chapters 11-13))

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"Jinwoo knows it won't be long before his true power fully comes to light and the guilds and Hunter's Association of Korea descend, seeking his allegiance. Since his training has thus far been a solo endeavor, Jinwoo decides he ought to at least see what an A-rank raid is really like. Joining the Hunters' excavation team is the perfect opportunity to assess a high-level guild in action, even if his role is limited to hauling and mining. That is, until a particularly nasty dungeon boss requires the luggage carrier to step up to carry the team as well!!"--Back cover.… (altro)
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I still feel like Jinwoo is quite unfeeling, but I’m excited about learning about the bigger picture and why there are players and regular hunters 🤔🤔 ( )
  Frances_001 | Aug 20, 2024 |
This series is sort of the same from volume to volume -- once again a group of hunters finds themselves in over their heads when they try to clear a dungeon more powerful than they expected -- but I still get drawn in by the action and characters every time.

At least this time a major change in the status quo occurs that should effect how the hero relates to the rest of cast. Looking forward to the next volume. ( )
  villemezbrown | Mar 30, 2023 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
ChugongAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
DubuIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Dubu (Redice Studio)Illustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Im, Hye YoungTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Torres, J.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Solo Leveling [Manhwa] (Vol. 5 (Chapters 11-13))
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It isn't the government that's sustaining this country -- It's actually the hunters who protect civilians from magic beasts. And the Hunter's Association is above the hunters.
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This is the graphic novel adaptation of the light novel series of the same name. Please do not combine the two. Also, some countries are reprinting the graphic novel series in volumes with fewer pages and chapters, so not all books labeled Volume 5 are the same.

Contents [print edition, 320 pp.]: Chapter 11. The Paragon of the Excavation Team -- Chapter 12. The S-rank Luggage Carrier -- Chapter 13. The Tenth S-rank Hunter
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"Jinwoo knows it won't be long before his true power fully comes to light and the guilds and Hunter's Association of Korea descend, seeking his allegiance. Since his training has thus far been a solo endeavor, Jinwoo decides he ought to at least see what an A-rank raid is really like. Joining the Hunters' excavation team is the perfect opportunity to assess a high-level guild in action, even if his role is limited to hauling and mining. That is, until a particularly nasty dungeon boss requires the luggage carrier to step up to carry the team as well!!"--Back cover.

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