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The Apple Creek Announcement

di Wanda E. Brunstetter

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4410591,026 (4.65)1
Welcome to Apple Creek, Ohio, where piano teacher and artist, Andrea Wagner, has a fascination with painting the rural Amish landscapes around her home. She has made it to her thirties feeling like she has had a charmed life and finally has fallen in love with Brandon Prentice, a local veterinarian. But then she discovers she was adopted and all she thought she knew about herself has crumbled. Andrea becomes so fixated on finding her birth mother that she pushes Brandon away, so she writes to the "Dear Caroline" column in the newspaper for romance advice. What will Andrea lose before she finds herself again? --… (altro)
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This book takes place in Apple Creek with familiar characters like Lois and Orley. They own the antique store Memory Keepers and they find joy in giving people advice. The story deals with the topic of adoption and also the importance of family. Yet another great book by Wanda Brunstetter!! ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
This is as always a very sweet story of love and very inspirational. I love Orley and Lois. Andrea and Brandon are great characters also. I love that there are many twists and turns in this story. This story kept me wondering till close to the end what was going to happen. I loved how Andrea and Brandon solved their problems. I received a copy of this book from Barbour Publishing for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | Sep 6, 2022 |
The Apple Creek Announcement is the third book in Wanda Brunstetter's Creektown Discoveries trilogy. It is light reading and hit the spot for me. In this installment of the series piano teacher and artist, Andrea Wagner, has a fascination with painting the rural Amish landscapes around her home. She has made it to her thirties feeling like she has had a charmed life and finally has fallen in love with Brandon Prentice, a local veterinarian. But then she discovers she was adopted and all she thought she knew about herself has crumbled. She does not know why her adoptive parents kept the adoption a secret. Andrea becomes so fixated on finding her birth mother that she puts her wedding plans on hold and writes to the "Dear Caroline" column in the newspaper for romance advice.

Why Apple Creek in the title? The story takes place in Apple Creek, Ohio where Andrea and her family reside. A nearby town, Walnut Creek, is where two additional characters, Orley and Lois Troyer, live and run an antique shop called Memory Keepers. The couple enjoys mentoring others and frequently pray for God to bring people into their lives that need help. In addition, Lois writes the "Dear Caroline" newspaper column. I loved these characters who led lives of simple pleasure. It takes me back to a time in my life that seemed easier. It probably wasn't, but today I look back on my life and see simplicity. Without the presence of modern conveniences, the characters' lifestyles helped them focus more on God and their faith. However they are still challenged by their circumstances.

I also love that the story is clean romance. The subplot of Andrea's search for her birth mother added some drama that you don't normally see in Amish fiction. With a surprise twist at the end, the novel read more like a mystery than the typical Amish story. It was fantastic. ( )
  Violette62 | Aug 27, 2022 |
The Apple Creek Announcement, by Wanda E. Brunstetter, is book three in the Creektown Discoveries series. This is a nice story that takes over after the rest in the series, so it is best to read them in order. The author does a wonderful job with this story, so it is also a nice stand alone story. This one focuses on engaged couple Andrea and Brandon. When Andrea accidently finds out she was adopted, she goes on the hunt for her birthmother and postpones the wedding.

This is a fun and enjoyable story to read. I enjoy the shop keepers and their desire to help others. It’s nice to see how careful Lois is with answering the letters for her column and how Orley wishes he could help more people. This is a wonderful story that gives a look into what it might be like for a person who is finding out their past is not what they thought. I enjoyed the parts of Andrea as she tries to handle her normal activities and look for her mother at the same time.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review. ( )
  eccl | Aug 17, 2022 |
I have been a huge Wanda E Brunstetter fan for years and can never get tired of her stories. Her latest, The Apple Creek Announcement, is no different. This third installment from Creektown Discoveries series is by far my favorite of the series. I enjoyed reading Andrea’s story and had to keep reading to see what she learns about herself. I thought it was a wonderful read.

The Apple Creek Announcement will be getting a very well deserved five plus stars from me. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy clean Amish Fiction, as well as, Romantic Suspense. As always, I will be looking forward to where else Wanda E Brunstetter will be taking her readers to next.

I received a copy of The Apple Creek Announcement from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. ( )
  amybooksy | Aug 6, 2022 |
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Welcome to Apple Creek, Ohio, where piano teacher and artist, Andrea Wagner, has a fascination with painting the rural Amish landscapes around her home. She has made it to her thirties feeling like she has had a charmed life and finally has fallen in love with Brandon Prentice, a local veterinarian. But then she discovers she was adopted and all she thought she knew about herself has crumbled. Andrea becomes so fixated on finding her birth mother that she pushes Brandon away, so she writes to the "Dear Caroline" column in the newspaper for romance advice. What will Andrea lose before she finds herself again? --

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