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These Infinite Threads

di Tahereh Mafi

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503650,645 (3.94)Nessuno
Fantasy. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Instant #1 New York Times bestseller! Full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, this breathtaking sequel to This Woven Kingdom is from the award-winning and bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and is perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, and Tomi Adeyemi.

With the heat of a kiss, the walls between Alizeh, the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, and Kamran, the crown prince of the Ardunian empire, have crumbled. And so have both of their lives.

Alizeh, the heir to the Jinn throne, is destined to free her people from the half-lives they've been forced to live under human rule. When Kamran, the heir to the human throne, falls in love with her, he's forced to question everything he's been taught about Jinn.

Kamran's grandfather lays dead at the hand of Cyrus, ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Tulan. Cyrus has stolen Alizeh away to his homeland and plans to marry her there, giving her everything she needs to become the Jinn queenand when she assumes the throne he will have fulfilled his own bargain with the devil.

Alizeh wants nothing to do with Cyrus's deal or the devil. But without a way to escape Tulan, and with the fulfillment of her own destiny tantalizingly close, she'll have to decide whether she can set aside her emotions to become the queen her people need.

Kamran, meanwhile, is picking up the pieces in Ardunia. Facing betrayal at every turn, all he knows is that he must go to Tulan to avenge his grandfather. He can only hope that Alizeh will be waiting for him thereand that she hasn't yet become the queen of Tulan.

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All is not as it seems and trust is at a premium in this story. When we left off in This Woven Kingdom, Alizeh, the lost queen of the Jinn, had just been swooped up by a dragon and stolen away from Ardunia by the evil young king of Tulan, Cyrus, to become his queen. Ardunia’s King Zaal, the long-reigning king, is dead after having been exposed as aligned with the devil Iblees. All the Diviners (healers) are murdered and Zaal’s grandson Karman is now heir to the throne. But can he do it? Gravely wounded in his fight with Cyrus, Karman is also reeling from not only learning that his closest friend and advisor, Hazan, betrayed him, and Alizeh has as well. Or has she?

There is so much happening in this book, all taking place over just a few days. As with the first book, the world-building is impressive and the writing is lyrical. Each chapter ends in suspense, begging the reader to keep going to see what happens next. Mixed in with the intense fighting, escape attempts, and betrayals is a bit of surprising and welcome comic relief that includes secondary characters who are up for the challenge. To say too much more would risk spoilers, but this sequel is breathtaking in its plot, action, and romance. ( )
  BiblioQueen | Feb 12, 2024 |
Representation: Asian characters
Trigger warnings: Fire, death of a grandfather, child abandonment, physical assault and injury, blood depiction
Score: Seven points out of ten.
This review can also be found on The StoryGraph.

Before I begin, I must say something: the third book is next year? It better be good. Now then, it's been months since I read the first instalment, This Woven Kingdom, and I loved it so much, so I went into this one with high expectations. Honestly, I thought the second part of the series was a minor downgrade, and the first one is better. It starts (or rather continues) with the main character, Alizeh Huda, or Alizeh for short, and the book picks up right off from This Woven Kingdom with an action-packed beginning from the previous ending. The book slowed its pace from here, but that allowed me to explore the character dynamics with Alizeh, Cyrus and Kamran, and the multiple POVs also helped. Alizeh further develops a romantic relationship with Cyrus, which spans throughout most of the narrative, which left nothing much else happening. If it weren't for the romance, I would've given this three stars instead of four. Still, I hope the third book would be an improvement over the second, or even as good or better than the first novel. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Jan 3, 2024 |
I’m not saying it’s the best, but it's entertaining. I’m also not saying there’s a lot of plot though there’s a lot of lust. And some fun character banter!

I like Hazan, and he wouldn't take his foot off Kamran's neck. The Kamram plotline is pretty understated. He knows there's a lot of instability with the crown, and he gets an RPG party, basically. But he's really rude here, and I can't see why anyone wanted to help him.

Also, the writing language is oh-so flowery that it got annoying.

This is fast food. Just eat the greasy burger and get back to clean eating tomorrow. Shhhh

With all that said, I’m still up for book three!

The Alizeh & Cyrus plotline/Unauthorized recap (don’t sue! :p)
Cyrus:“Marry me!”
Alizeh: “No!”
“Marry me because sad back story!”
“Okay, maybe in a little while, but not because you told me to!”
“Marry me pretty please?”
“Okay, but no touching despite our obvious sexual tension.”
“As if! You disgust me!”
“No, baby y’know I want you! My body even knows it.”
“Me too!”
“Marry me?”
“Yes and no. And only a little bit of marriage, not all of it!” >:|
“So sad :(“
( )
1 vota DestDest | Nov 28, 2023 |
These Infinite Threads by Tahereh Mafi is the second in the This Woven Kingdom trilogy. While I loved the first book, I can't say I was impressed with the sequel. It is a disappointment, to be honest.

These Infinite Threads opens with a recap of the ending events of the previous book but from a different point of view. At first, this seems like a good thing, mainly because we only saw those events from Alizeh's point of view. Plus, it is a clever way to recap without having to write an actual description of what happened.

We also see firsthand the aftermath of all that action and how Alizeh's disappearance impacts her friends left behind in Ardunia. Unfortunately, this is where the story goes off the rails a bit. Between Kardan's constant lamenting about Alizeh's disappearance and apparent betrayal and then learning about the betrayals in the palace, these scenes quickly grow stale.

At the same time, there is little that happens in Tulan either. Alizeh learns very little as well. She spends most of her time angry at Cyrus and trying to find ways to escape. As with the scenes in Ardunia, nothing moves the story forward; time trickles past without any action. We get few answers to our existing questions and nothing but new questions.

I hope that all this nothing in These Infinite Threads means that the final book in the trilogy will be the most exciting story yet. That this second book is merely a fluke. The first book was SO good, and the second was so boring that the third has to be exciting, right? Right? ( )
  jmchshannon | Jun 24, 2023 |
A very enjoyable second part in the series.
The characters got the development I had hoped for and brought some interesting layers into the story, of which I am eager to see how they will turn out in the next installment.
Time wise, the story only last a little bit over a day, and the writing was nicely fast paced to accommodate this.

The biggest different in the writing style, compared to the first book, was the omitting of overly flowery language, which is, now that it was gone, somewhat of a double sided sword. Now that it is gone, I kind of miss it, on the other hand, leaving it out did make the reading pace much more smooth. ( )
  Black-Lilly | Apr 11, 2023 |
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Fantasy. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Instant #1 New York Times bestseller! Full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, this breathtaking sequel to This Woven Kingdom is from the award-winning and bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and is perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, and Tomi Adeyemi.

With the heat of a kiss, the walls between Alizeh, the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, and Kamran, the crown prince of the Ardunian empire, have crumbled. And so have both of their lives.

Alizeh, the heir to the Jinn throne, is destined to free her people from the half-lives they've been forced to live under human rule. When Kamran, the heir to the human throne, falls in love with her, he's forced to question everything he's been taught about Jinn.

Kamran's grandfather lays dead at the hand of Cyrus, ruler of the neighboring kingdom of Tulan. Cyrus has stolen Alizeh away to his homeland and plans to marry her there, giving her everything she needs to become the Jinn queenand when she assumes the throne he will have fulfilled his own bargain with the devil.

Alizeh wants nothing to do with Cyrus's deal or the devil. But without a way to escape Tulan, and with the fulfillment of her own destiny tantalizingly close, she'll have to decide whether she can set aside her emotions to become the queen her people need.

Kamran, meanwhile, is picking up the pieces in Ardunia. Facing betrayal at every turn, all he knows is that he must go to Tulan to avenge his grandfather. He can only hope that Alizeh will be waiting for him thereand that she hasn't yet become the queen of Tulan.


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