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Enemies (Berrybrook Middle School, 5)

di Svetlana Chmakova

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1348211,134 (4.06)Nessuno
"Felicity is sure she's going to do something big. Exactly what is still a mystery, but she'll figure it out. Her sister, Letty, teases Felicity that she never finishes stuff, but that's just because Letty is so perfect. Still, life is good with plenty of friends--drawing with the art club and playing games with her buddies keep her busy. But when she decides to join a contest to show Letty that she can get things done, Felicity begins to wonder if friends becoming enemies is easier than she thought."--… (altro)
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Interesting story, that’s how I would sum it up. It wasn’t as strong as the previous books in the series but still highlights a relationship dynamic of friends having a falling out and not confronting “why”. Felicity was fun to follow as well especially with her passions on anime, manga, and video games which gave way for amazing visuals. Again, I know that middle schoolers experience this particular friendship to “enemies” situation when transitioning out of elementary to middle school. It helps it to still be relatable to a general young audience. ( )
  TheArtOfPrin | Jul 20, 2024 |
I'm far removed from middle school, but I find Svetlana Chmakova's Berrybrook series captivating. They're filled with interesting, relatable characters going through things I went through at that age. The character design in these books is top notch too. I love seeing cameos from other entries show up in the background, it makes it feel like a real school. ( )
  Mootastic | Jan 25, 2024 |
The middle-school drama was ripe with this one haha! Also, I enjoyed the spotlight on positive self-affirmations and learning how to listen to others' ideas (even if they're not particularly good). This series is still so much fun.

3.5 ( )
  DestDest | Nov 28, 2023 |
7/10, it was ok, but not as good as the Poet X. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Nov 3, 2023 |
This was a great addition to the series -- love how she perfectly captures the confusion and frustrations of adolescence and trying to find your way. I particularly love that the relationship awkwardness at the heart of this story was a weird miscommunication and wasn't resolved by dating. Feels authentic. Also girl gamers for the win, and young entrepreneurs are super! ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 27, 2023 |
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"Felicity is sure she's going to do something big. Exactly what is still a mystery, but she'll figure it out. Her sister, Letty, teases Felicity that she never finishes stuff, but that's just because Letty is so perfect. Still, life is good with plenty of friends--drawing with the art club and playing games with her buddies keep her busy. But when she decides to join a contest to show Letty that she can get things done, Felicity begins to wonder if friends becoming enemies is easier than she thought."--

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Media: (4.06)
2.5 1
3 2
3.5 2
4 6
4.5 1
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