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Look Closer (2022)

di David Ellis

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2782199,685 (4.34)9
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:"Wildly entertaining."New York Times Book Review
From the bestselling and award-winning author comes a wickedly clever and fast-paced novel of greed, revenge, obsessionand quite possibly the perfect murder.

Simon and Vicky couldnt seem more normal: a wealthy Chicago couple, he a respected law professor, she an advocate for domestic violence victims. A stable, if unexciting marriage. But one things for sure absolutely nothing is what it seems. The pair are far from normal, and one of them just may be a killer. When the body of a beautiful socialite is found hanging in a mansion in a nearby suburb, Simon and Vickys secrets begin to unravel. A secret whirlwind affair. A twenty-million-dollar trust fund about to come due. A decades-long grudge and obsession with revenge. These are just a few of the lies that make up the complex web...and they will have devastating consequences. And while both Vicky and Simon are liars, just who exactly is conning who? Part Gone Girl, part Strangers on a Train, Look Closer is a wild rollercoaster of a read that will have you questioning everything you think you know.… (altro)
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Well, I got sucked in by an Instagram post about someone’s favorite books ever. I should’ve known better. Certainly creating a very twisty turny plot is a skill but this is kind of a silly book. It tries to be about The Law but it really isn’t. The characters are weak and cartoonish. And the whole mystery hinges on misleading the reader for no reason other than creating twists and turns. Silly. Choose better, Catie ( )
  wordlikeabell | Sep 8, 2024 |
David Ellis challenges us to "Look Closer" at the murder of Lauren Betancourt, a beautiful woman who engages in liaisons with wealthy men in order to finance her lavish lifestyle. The local authorities are eager to solve the case quickly, since the residents of Grace Village, Lauren's upscale neighborhood, are worried that there may be a dangerous felon on the loose. Detectives Jane Burke and Andy Tate are on the lookout for someone who had the motive, means, and opportunity to stun Lauren and hang her body from a wrought iron railing on Halloween night. After examining the case from all angles, Jane believes that she knows who killed Lauren and why. Proving it, however, will not be easy.

Those who want to play amateur sleuth should take nothing for granted, since Ellis's fiendishly clever plot is designed to mislead us. The book's central character is thirty-seven-year-old Simon Dobias, a law-school professor who met and fell for Lauren when he was in his teens. Simon has a dark past that has left him emotionally scarred. To his credit, he once helped a down-and-out woman named Vicky Lanier to claw her way back to sobriety and respectability. Also worth noting is Christian Newsome, a charming and handsome financial consultant who specializes in dealing with well-heeled female clients.

"Look Closer" is not a feel-good story. It features devious individuals who do not hesitate to take matters into their own hands in order to achieve their objectives. Ellis focuses on the worst aspects of human nature: greed, lust, power, and vindictiveness. The perpetrators have no qualms about lying, cheating, and assuming the roles of judge, jury, and executioner. Fans of psychological suspense and imaginative twists and turns will revel in this entertaining, meticulously constructed, and thrilling roller-coaster ride. ( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
Holy cow. Talk about a complex web of lies and betrayal! ( )
  filemanager | Nov 29, 2023 |
This edge of your seat mystery recounts the devious events that led to a grisly Halloween murder. Simon Dobias is a Chicago law professor going for tenure. He’s been contentedly, although not especially happily, married to his wife, Vicky, a social worker at Safe Haven, for nearly ten years. He’s also restarted an affair with a beautiful woman from his past after a chance meeting outside of Bloomingdale’s on Michigan Avenue. What begins with matching burner phones and clandestine meetings, ends with a Grim Reaper costume and the brutal murder of Simon’s lover. Whatever else you think you know in this twisty, intricately plotted story is almost 100% likely to be wrong. The story is told by the characters of Simon, who, of course is the obvious murder suspect; the equally unscrupulous Vicky; and Sgt. Jane Burke, the Grace Village officer charged with solving the suburb’s first homicide...and at least one surprise narrator. We learn about Simon’s relationship with ill-fated sexy, Lauren Betancourt, the circumstances surrounding her death, and the subsequent criminal investigation. Murder is far from the only crime committed amongst this shady bunch, or even the most recent. The full extent of these devious characters' various schemes and revenge plots is revealed in several clues, carefully scattered throughout the story, which, if you are talented in detecting murders, will lead you to the killer and the discovery of a shocking, if somewhat improbable, conclusion. Don't feel bad if you fail in this endeavor as I bet even seasoned mystery readers won’t be able to predict all of the knots in Simon and Vicky’s tangled web of deception. This is truly a roller-coaster ride loaded with unexpected twists and turns. Good work, Mr. Ellis. ( )
  Carol420 | Nov 13, 2023 |



Look Closer by David Ellis revolves around Simon Dobias and Vicky Lanier Dobias, a married couple who have been together for almost ten years - the husband, an associate professor in law aspiring for a tenured position and his wife who works with victims of domestic abuse- respectable people, comfortably well-to-do and about to come into a lot more money from a trust fund after their 10th anniversary. Their marriage might not be perfect- a fact that they both acknowledge but they seem to be okay with the status quo. Or are they? When Lauren Betancourt, a wealthy woman with links to Simon is found hanging in her home you begin to question whether Simon is truly the respectable law professor he appears to be or if he is hiding a more diabolical side to him. Is Vicky aware of her husband’s true nature? Everything is not as it seems – both Simon and Vicky have secrets – the kind that they would do anything to protect.

When I started with the novel, it seemed formulaic- unhappy couple, infidelity, murder, multiple PoVs and rambling journal entries leading to what I presumed would be a predictable ending! I WAS WRONG! Describing these characters and their dynamics as complicated would be a gross understatement. A plethora of twists and turns, revelation upon revelation with past and present grudges, betrayals and manipulation and a cast of shady supporting characters with hidden agendas of their own make for an absorbing read. Who is the real victim here? Who is guilty or rather guiltier? Who is conning whom and who is complicit? I felt only sympathy for the investigators who were assigned to solve the case and were taken on a wild ride in the process! Saying anything more is impossible without giving away too much. However, this is a lengthy novel that could have been more concise and it took a while to gain momentum (approximately the 25 % mark for me) but once I was engaged I found it hard to put down. Gripping and suspenseful, this is a smartly crafted thriller that I would not hesitate to recommend. This is my first David Ellis novel and I look forward to reading more of his work.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for a digital review copy of this riveting novel in exchange for my honest review. ( )
  srms.reads | Sep 4, 2023 |
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:"Wildly entertaining."New York Times Book Review
From the bestselling and award-winning author comes a wickedly clever and fast-paced novel of greed, revenge, obsessionand quite possibly the perfect murder.

Simon and Vicky couldnt seem more normal: a wealthy Chicago couple, he a respected law professor, she an advocate for domestic violence victims. A stable, if unexciting marriage. But one things for sure absolutely nothing is what it seems. The pair are far from normal, and one of them just may be a killer. When the body of a beautiful socialite is found hanging in a mansion in a nearby suburb, Simon and Vickys secrets begin to unravel. A secret whirlwind affair. A twenty-million-dollar trust fund about to come due. A decades-long grudge and obsession with revenge. These are just a few of the lies that make up the complex web...and they will have devastating consequences. And while both Vicky and Simon are liars, just who exactly is conning who? Part Gone Girl, part Strangers on a Train, Look Closer is a wild rollercoaster of a read that will have you questioning everything you think you know.

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