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Third Army Goes to War (Patton Hidden in Plain Sight Series)

di Denny G. Hair

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Though still a secret, as far as the world was concerned, Patton moved his Third Army to France to prepare for battle. In eight days in August, Patton attacked in three different directions with three corps of his army. The enemy was defeated wherever they were found. His army made the liberation of Paris possible, while others took credit. He was stopped from encircling and destroying two German armies in the Falaise Pocket while Bradley and Eisenhower played cards. Patton was ready to head toward Germany when General Eisenhower stopped him and allowed General Montgomery to move forward with Operation Market Garden, which ended in General Montgomery's defeat. Patton could say nothing publicly, but thought the plan was politically motivated rather than sound military. Could Patton have made it into Germany in 1944 and shortened the war? General Bradley thought he could have. This is a day-by-day account of what Patton did and thought, as told by his men seeing the war from their prospective at Patton's headquarters. Patton tells it from his prospective in his private diary, printed in its entirety within this series.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daM20CW, pamak1970, HRA18

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Though still a secret, as far as the world was concerned, Patton moved his Third Army to France to prepare for battle. In eight days in August, Patton attacked in three different directions with three corps of his army. The enemy was defeated wherever they were found. His army made the liberation of Paris possible, while others took credit. He was stopped from encircling and destroying two German armies in the Falaise Pocket while Bradley and Eisenhower played cards. Patton was ready to head toward Germany when General Eisenhower stopped him and allowed General Montgomery to move forward with Operation Market Garden, which ended in General Montgomery's defeat. Patton could say nothing publicly, but thought the plan was politically motivated rather than sound military. Could Patton have made it into Germany in 1944 and shortened the war? General Bradley thought he could have. This is a day-by-day account of what Patton did and thought, as told by his men seeing the war from their prospective at Patton's headquarters. Patton tells it from his prospective in his private diary, printed in its entirety within this series.

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