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One Step Too Far

di Lisa Gardner

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Frankie Elkin (2)

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6422037,825 (4.03)16
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner, a chilling thriller about a young man gone missing in the wilderness of Wyoming . . . and the secrets uncovered by the desperate effort to find him
Timothy ODay knew the woods. Yet when he disappeared on the first night of a bachelor party camping trip with his best friends in the world, he didnt leave a trace. What he did leave behind were two heartbroken parents, a crew of guilt-ridden groomsmen, and a pile of clues that dont add up.
Frankie Elkin doesnt know the woods, but she knows how to find people. So when she reads that Timothys father is organizing one last search, she heads to Wyoming. Despite the rescue teams reluctance, she joins them. But as they hike into the mountains, it becomes clear that theres something dangerous at work in the woods . . . or someone who is willing to do anything to stop them from going any farther.
Running out of time and up against the worst man and nature have to offer, Frankie and the search party will discover what evil awaits those who go one step too far . . .
… (altro)
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» Vedi le 16 citazioni

I need to read the first in the series! ( )
  olegalCA | Aug 25, 2024 |
This book really surprised me! I really enjoyed this read and found that I couldn't put it down! It kept me guessing 3/4 of the way [although I did have my suspicions...]. The way it was written and the narration from the protagonist really worked well for this story. I also love that the author makes references to the people gone missing in the wilderness and how underrepresented they are and how little data there is regarding their disappearances. I don't want to give too much away, but I highly recommend this book!!! ( )
  prebs29 | Jul 6, 2024 |
One Step Too Far by Lisa Gardner
Frankie Elkin series #2. Thriller, mystery. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Law enforcement has abandoned the search of a young man in the national forest. Frankie Elkin decides this will be her next search and joins the party hiking in to the forest to search for clues. But the deeper into the forest they hike, the more Frankie realizes there is more going on with the group. When people start to vanish, Frankie fears she’s running out of time herself to make it out of the forest.

Tense and hair-raising. Edge-of-your-seat mystery as Frankie tries to figure a killer.
4.5 ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Apr 13, 2024 |

“Five guys went into the woods. One has never been seen again. And the other four . . . they are not who they used to be either. Life is like that.”

Haunted by her past, Frankie Elkin is “an average, middle-aged white woman, short on belongings, long on regret” who specializes in cold cases mostly involving the “underserved” in the community. While on the way to Idaho, where she plans to take up the case of an eight-year-old boy who has been missing for sixteen months, she comes across an article about thirty-three-year-old Timothy O’Day who disappeared while on a bachelors’ camping trip with his college friends in the Popo Agie Wilderness on the edge of Ramsey, Wyoming five years ago. Tim’s father has been searching for any clues about his son’s fate for the last five years and is about to venture out on his next trip into the wilderness where Tim was last seen. Frankie changes her plans and joins the search, motivated by her desire to bring closure to the family of a missing young man whose mother is dying of cancer. Even though Frankie has no experience of hiking or search and rescue in the wilderness she joins the group who, though skeptical of Frankie’s ability to hold her own in the rough conditions , reluctantly agrees when one of Tim’s friends has to drop out.

“Eight people head into the woods. A grieving father, a hiking guide, three college friends, and three semiprofessional searchers. On the surface, it makes sense. So why do I have a feeling eight of us won’t be coming back out.”

The group faces injury, sabotage, harsh terrain and internal conflict wherein it is revealed that there was more to the events of that fateful night five years ago than was initially reported. Added to this is the fact that Tim is not the only person to have disappeared in the area. There have been reports of several hikers gone missing over the years. When the group makes a shocking discovery and one of them is severely injured, hidden secrets and agendas come to the surface. Is someone in their midst playing games or are they being followed by someone who knows what happened to Tim? Cut off from any outside assistance, it ultimately boils down to who between themselves can be trusted and how they can survive when being hunted by someone who obviously wants them out the way. What begins as a search for a missing person soon becomes a fight for their own survival.

Taut and twisty with an ending that I did not see coming, One Step Too Far is a gripping thriller that will keep you hooked till the very last page. The descriptions of the landscape add to the dark and atmospheric tone of the novel. Lisa Gardner is brilliant in crafting thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat. In Frankie Elkin, the author portrays an admirable protagonist. She is an intelligent and strong woman battling her own demons, who goes above and beyond to bring justice for those who have been marginalized and whose calls for help have fallen on deaf ears. Even though she prefers to be a drifter, she is not indifferent to the people around her and does establish emotional connections with people she meets on her journey. I’ve enjoyed both books in Lisa Gardner’s Frankie Elkin series and hope for more in the future. ( )
  srms.reads | Sep 4, 2023 |
One Step Too Far is an authentic page-turner. It is a compelling mystery with the lead character Frankie Elkin, who you will fall in love with. Lisa Gardner is master storyteller. ( )
  GordonPrescottWiener | Aug 24, 2023 |
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Lisa Gardnerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Fearon, MarkImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lin, ChristopherProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner, a chilling thriller about a young man gone missing in the wilderness of Wyoming . . . and the secrets uncovered by the desperate effort to find him
Timothy ODay knew the woods. Yet when he disappeared on the first night of a bachelor party camping trip with his best friends in the world, he didnt leave a trace. What he did leave behind were two heartbroken parents, a crew of guilt-ridden groomsmen, and a pile of clues that dont add up.
Frankie Elkin doesnt know the woods, but she knows how to find people. So when she reads that Timothys father is organizing one last search, she heads to Wyoming. Despite the rescue teams reluctance, she joins them. But as they hike into the mountains, it becomes clear that theres something dangerous at work in the woods . . . or someone who is willing to do anything to stop them from going any farther.
Running out of time and up against the worst man and nature have to offer, Frankie and the search party will discover what evil awaits those who go one step too far . . .

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