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Mao, Vol. 3

di Rumiko Takahashi

Serie: Mao (3)

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572470,655 (3.78)1
"When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by aloof exorcist Mao. What thread of fate connects them? Together, they seek answers...and kick some demon butt along the way! The battle rages on as Byoki tries to take over Mao's body. Nanoka witnesses the accident that orphaned her unfold, and suspicion falls on her present-day guardians. Can her beloved grandfather and Uozumi be trusted? What about Mao, who has no memories of what he does in his hybrid form? Then, a former fellow apprentice to Mao's master attacks...with flaming heads! Was Mao really his master's golden child--or something else? Meanwhile, back in town, young women are disappearing. Who is the prime suspect?"--… (altro)
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This was a very bloody installment! I mean it, blood was splattering all over the place in too many panels to count. While this is going on, the series manages to stay wholesome. Surely, it must be the art, it is simply bursting with wholesomeness ;)

Anyway, the plot thickens, and there are exciting revelations about the connection between Mao, Nanoka, and Byoki; more about Nanoka’s guardians (in this case, the reader breathes a sign of relief); more on Mao’s backstory, which is still full of mysteries.

Disappointingly, Nanoka doesn’t get to save Mao again. But if the hints are to be believed, the author remedied the situation in the next volume.

Once again, the ending is a cliffhanger. Come on! :))) ( )
  Alexandra_book_life | Feb 20, 2024 |
I received a copy of this book for free for promotional purposes.

This was another solid installment in the series.

This installment had more backstory than the previous volumes which I felt slowed down the pace of the book a little. A good chunk took place in Mao’s past and we learned more about his early days.

Like the previous volume, this one unveiled even more about the story and the characters, including details on how Mao and Nanoka are connected. It is shaping up to be a very intriguing read!

Overall, I really enjoyed this volume and am looking forward to the upcoming volumes. So far, this series has been full of action and mystery, with things coming together at a steady pace. If you’re looking to read a new manga series, consider starting this one (just keep in mind that all the volumes are not yet available in English yet). ( )
  oddandbookish | Jan 13, 2022 |
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Mao (3)
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"When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by aloof exorcist Mao. What thread of fate connects them? Together, they seek answers...and kick some demon butt along the way! The battle rages on as Byoki tries to take over Mao's body. Nanoka witnesses the accident that orphaned her unfold, and suspicion falls on her present-day guardians. Can her beloved grandfather and Uozumi be trusted? What about Mao, who has no memories of what he does in his hybrid form? Then, a former fellow apprentice to Mao's master attacks...with flaming heads! Was Mao really his master's golden child--or something else? Meanwhile, back in town, young women are disappearing. Who is the prime suspect?"--

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