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Masters of Death: A Novel di Olivie Blake
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Masters of Death: A Novel (edizione 2023)

di Olivie Blake (Autore)

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9951121,767 (3.6)2
"Viola Marek is a struggling real estate agent, and a vampire. But her biggest problem currently is that the house she needs to sell is haunted. The ghost haunting the mansion has been murdered, and until he can solve the mystery of how he died, he refuses to move on. Fox D'Mora is a medium, and though he is also most-definitely a shameless fraud, he isn't entirely without his uses--seeing as he's actually the godson of Death. When Viola seeks out Fox to help her with the ghost infestation, he becomes inextricably involved in a quest that neither he nor Vi expects (or wants). But with the help of an unruly poltergeist, a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel, a love-stricken reaper, and a few mindfulness-practicing creatures, Vi and Fox soon discover the difference between a mysterious lost love and an annoying dead body isn't nearly as distinct as they thought"--… (altro)
Titolo:Masters of Death: A Novel
Autori:Olivie Blake (Autore)
Info:Tor Books (2023), 416 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Masters of Death: A Novel di Olivie Blake

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Kinda cute. Kinda boring. Here for the ships. ( )
  3starzard | Jul 21, 2024 |
Odd writing style that was confusing and very hard to follow. I really really wanted to like the book and I just couldn't. ( )
  JFSchilp | May 28, 2024 |
This was chaotic but in a delightful and entertainment way.
The end was a bit too lovey dovey for me, for which I didn't care that much. Other than that it was a fun book with a lot of colourful characters and lots of chaos, did I mention the chaos yet? ( )
  Black-Lilly | Jan 8, 2024 |
Viola is a real estate agent - and a vampire - trying to sell a house haunted by its last inhabitant, Thomas Parker the fourth, who is trying his best not to let it be sold and also increasingly frustrated that he can't leave it. Out of desperation, she contacts the medium, Fox D'Mora, who is really a fake and can't see a ghost at all, but he's the godson of Death and gives widows peace and... well, often a little more.

That's... not actually what the story is about, but that is how it starts. And yes, I'm going to leave it at that. If you don't mind that zany description, then check it out and see if you like the more complicated story of bored immortals including demons, reapers, guardian angels, archangels, and more. There's love and betrayal to be had, humans and creatures trying to make a good life. ( )
  bell7 | Nov 5, 2023 |
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"Viola Marek is a struggling real estate agent, and a vampire. But her biggest problem currently is that the house she needs to sell is haunted. The ghost haunting the mansion has been murdered, and until he can solve the mystery of how he died, he refuses to move on. Fox D'Mora is a medium, and though he is also most-definitely a shameless fraud, he isn't entirely without his uses--seeing as he's actually the godson of Death. When Viola seeks out Fox to help her with the ghost infestation, he becomes inextricably involved in a quest that neither he nor Vi expects (or wants). But with the help of an unruly poltergeist, a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel, a love-stricken reaper, and a few mindfulness-practicing creatures, Vi and Fox soon discover the difference between a mysterious lost love and an annoying dead body isn't nearly as distinct as they thought"--

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