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di Colleen Hoover

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"When Leeds meets Layla, he's convinced he'll spend the rest of his life with her--until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the emotional and mental scarring has altered the woman Leeds fell in love with. In order to put their relationship back on track, Leeds whisks Layla away to the bed-and-breakfast where they first met. Once they arrive, Layla's behavior takes a bizarre turn. And that's just one of many inexplicable occurrences"--Provided by publisher.… (altro)
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extremeeeee spoilers ahead

The writing was very basic and repetitive. It got better when we got into the paranormal aspect of the book and when there was some urgency. Other than that, the actual writing itself was not great to me.

There were a few details that I felt were put there to set something up and we never got back to it. The most notable examples is the REPEATED detail that he was actually wealthy and Layla "didn't know it yet". It set up a moment where Layla is supposed to find this out about him and she never does.

Then there's the unrealistic responses to the relationship at the end with Aspen, the sister. Are we supposed to believe he would eventually "win her over" after her sister confesses that she's been drugged and tied up, only to play it off as a joke seconds later? He has BLOOD and SCRATCHES on his arm at the hospital and she's just a bit upset? Also, Leeds could've totally played off the wrist issue by saying they were having kinky sex (aka handcuffs) and the "drugging" could be a inside joke about sex pills (the ones that make ur sex drive go up like crazy). This couple has mentioned sex to each other before so it would not have been irregular and could've added some humor. This could've been added to make the whole Aspen situation fall away in a REALISTIC way.

I also was confused on whether or not he was IN the pool with her. I imagine it would be very, very difficult to drown someone if you're just on the edge of the pool? So I imagined him in there with her. So why was he not wet? If he was on the side, I think there should be more stress on the awkwardness and the sheer FORCE it would take to make this happen. I just think many of these details were awkward or not realistic.

I think a small note is that I think this narrator is just really unlikeable. I don't find this to be bad though. I just hated him. He seems to think he's redeemed at the end which I thought was just so typical of a man. But really, my hatred for him stemmed from his need to make everything sexual. He couldn't even kiss his girlfriend (her soul? inhabiting her old body? whatever) without thinking about wanting to fuck her. But like I said, I don't dislike the writing of this. In fact, I think it's the most realistic characterization ever.

other remarks:

why are we referencing ALEXA at the end??? i hate contemporary references so muchhhh

we never got back to the suicide note. did he successfully delete it?

even if sable was inhabiting laylas body, i still find it weird they would HAVE SEX in that possessed state....sable still has a MIND and FEELINGS and therefore should have autonomy. the book itself says she might not KNOW she is sable. so you're inhabiting the body of an innocent person and then having sex with her posssed body. i just thought this moment was inappropriate at best.

can't even count on my fingers how many times his worry and predicament were repeated to us in almost the exact same way. "ahhh i'm starting to fall out of love with layla and that's so fucked up but i LOVE willow". if the WRITING of this emotion was better, each moment Leeds thought about this, it would feel different. it felt as if the same thing was bejng said over and over and over without variation or nuance. you don't have to fill up space to just go fill it.

all of this being said, i thought the actual plot was pretty fascinating. i especially loved the detail of the detective who was ALSO a ghost. (though, even he was a bit rushed and had very little characterization to me). i just think this could've been edited some. it was obvious this was done pretty quickly and thrillers, especially ones that are complex in this way, need to be precise and well thought out. ( )
  yosistachrista | Jul 22, 2024 |
I love that this is something different from this author’s norm. I love a good paranormal romance myself and it’s so nice to see an author branch out and do different things then their “normal”. It was a nice refreshing read. If you want to read another outside the box read from Ms Hoover also try Variety. A fantastic read through and through.

The story was well written and executed and easy to follow. You must suspend belief but isn’t that the truth with all paranormal reads? My less than 5 star rating comes from the lead hero and heroine. Do not get me wrong I fully enjoyed the storyline itself. I just didn’t feel a super intense chemistry between these two. I felt love and friendship. But I didn’t feel that soulmate I can’t keep my eyes off you kind of love. You really have to believe in that sort of thing for this. I felt their chemistry more in the beginning before the accident, but once things change (without giving too much away) I didn’t feel the same intense feelings. I’m sure there is a reason for it but I just wasn’t sold on them. Things are different and they must be portrayed as such otherwise you’d be able to figure out what was happening really quick.

Anyways I was pleasantly surprised once we start getting answers. I really struggled with the hero’s decisions and found myself quite angry with him throughout but then he gets a little redemption when things come to light. I hope Colleen continues to experiment with different genres while still staying in line with her romance themes. I love her romances and have read a handful of them this year. I would say this book isn’t as freaky as Verity. There are some “spooky” parts but Verity scared me more because of the realistic touch where this one doesn’t have that reality aspect as much. Anyways give it a read! I’ve never regretted reading a Colleen Hoover book even if it’s different then what you’re used to from her.
( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
This book is best going into blind.

Wow, this book wasn't what I was expecting at all! I picked Layla up without knowing anything at all: haven't read the blurb, any reviews or synopsis, not even the genre. I just started reading this knowing that Colleen Hoover writes contemporary romance and does an excellent job at it. I'm so glad I went into blind with this one.

"I placed two layers of duct tape over Layla's mouth before I came downstairs, but I can still hear her muffled screams as the detective takes a seat at the table."

Yep, that's how the story begins. And it gets crazier.

This is the love story of Leeds and Layla, but is told entirely from Leed's perspective, which I appreciated because his character is the most complex of all. It's written very well and I couldn't put it down. I just wanted to know what crazy thing happens next. Reading this book is a rollercoaster ride: one moment it's "awww, how cute of them" to "what is happening?" to "how could he?" to "OMG!".

The story goes back and forth in time, until it's only about the present. But with Layla, both time periods were so interesting. The last chapters of this book were intense. I was certainly wasn't expecting the twist toward the end!

A few things in the book made me very uncomfortable, specially the part where they do something extremely drastic and dangerous in order to save Layla. There were moments when I hated Leeds so much.

Colleen Hoover ventured into a new genre with this one. What a ride this was! This book totally had me on the edge of my seat and I had a hard time putting it down. In fact, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the events which occurred.

Go ahead and read this. You won't be able to put the book down once you start reading it. ( )
  nadia.masood | Dec 10, 2023 |
Layla by Colleen Hoover

An emotional story moving at a fast pace. With twists turns and shocking moments, I was hooked from the start. Just when I thought I had it figured out a new plot twist occurred. Overall I found Layla compelling, thought provoking and memorable. I won't say much more as I never do spoilers. I highly recommend Layla to Colleen Hoover fans. ( )
  SheriAWilkinson | Sep 30, 2023 |
I enjoyed it but it was very odd. A fair 3.5⭐ I can say that I'm very happy for Layla though her struggle was heartbreaking. ( )
  KitKat101 | Sep 13, 2023 |
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"When Leeds meets Layla, he's convinced he'll spend the rest of his life with her--until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the emotional and mental scarring has altered the woman Leeds fell in love with. In order to put their relationship back on track, Leeds whisks Layla away to the bed-and-breakfast where they first met. Once they arrive, Layla's behavior takes a bizarre turn. And that's just one of many inexplicable occurrences"--Provided by publisher.

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