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A Sprinkling of Murder

di Daryl Wood Gerber

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Serie: A Fairy Garden Mystery (1)

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7113386,145 (3.7)3
Fairy garden store owner Courtney Kelly believes in inviting magic into your life. But when uninvited trouble enters her shop, shell need more than a sprinkling of her imagination to solve a murder . . . Since childhood, Courtney has loved fairies. After her mother died when Courtney was ten, she lost touch with that feeling of magic. A year ago, at age twenty-nine, she rediscovered it when she left her father's landscaping business to spread her wings and start a fairy garden business and teashop in beautiful Carmel, California. At Open Your Imagination, she teaches garden design and sells everything from fairy figurines to tinkling wind chimes. Now she's starting a book club tea. But the light of the magical world she's created inside her shop is darkened one night when she discovers neighboring dog-grooming business owner Mick Watkins dead beside her patio fountain. To make matters worse, the police suspect Courtney of the crime. To clear her name and find the real killer, Courtney will have to wing it. But she's about to get a little help from an unexpected source . . .… (altro)
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Good book. It starts slow but picks up and is an enjoyable unique read. ( )
  debf56 | Mar 9, 2024 |
The book titled "A Sprinkling of Murder" marks the beginning of a new series that takes place in a garden shop where fairy gardens are featured. It is a well-written cozy mystery with a paranormal twist involving genuine fairies. The story is delightful and lighthearted, with relatable characters, an intriguing mystery, and an enchanting setting. ( )
  kcaroth1 | Jun 15, 2023 |
The endearing book cover of A SPRINKLING OF MURDER, especially the blue-eye kitten, has instantly grabbed my attention.

The fascinating mystery centers around Courtney Kelly who owns Open Your Imagination, a fairy garden business and teashop at the pleasant Carmel-by-the-sea, a feisty cute fairy Fiona and a creamy white Ragdoll kitten Pixie. I fell in love with these pleasant characters in an instant, and the lovely Carmel is just around 15 to 20 minutes' drive from my house!

While everything seems magical and delightful, one night, Courtney’s neighboring dog-grooming business owner is found dead – murdered actually – beside her patio fountain! Inevitably, Courtney is the main suspect!

Daryl Wood Gerber uses her charming imagination to sprinkle A SPRINKLING OF MURDER with some magic powers that make it an enchanting cozy mystery! I enjoyed it tremendously! ( )
  Emily_Wai_Catan | May 28, 2023 |
Not everyone can see fairies, but Courtney can. She had the ability as a child, lost it for awhile, but regained it. Now she owns a fairy garden shop, and helps others build their own fairy gardens. Whether they can lure a real fairy depends on the person! Courtney’s resident fairy is Fiona, who is a problem fairy of sorts, and needs to learn to behave herself. But she is working on getting her adult wings, finally. Each day is a new and wonderful experience, until, of course, a dead body is found by Fiona in the garden shop. She loses no time in waking Courtney to tell her. Now, Courtney must figure out how to inform the police without saying her fairy told her! It just gets more complicated from then on, and without Fiona’s help, Courtney may just be up a creek without a paddle. It’s a lovely story, and the fairies add just the right amount of magic. The mystery is an intriguing one, and kept me guessing. The characters are delightful, and I must say, Fiona is my favorite. Having a little magic in one’s life is an inspiring thing, and reading about it is a nice escape from the humdrum realities of life. Dream on! ( )
  Maydacat | Feb 19, 2022 |
This is the first book in Daryl Wood Gerber’s new cozy mystery series. It is her venture into the fairy realm. As a lover of all things fae, I was a bit nervous. She did amazing with it. Courtney owns a tea shop and garden store where she encourages creativity among her patrons. She sees fairies and in this book has a fairy in training helper, Fiona. After a dead body is discovered in her store, her landlord, Courtney becomes a suspect in his murder. She decides she must clear her name by investigating the murder herself. While that is going on we get to read plenty about fairies and making fairy gardens.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It captured my imagination and now I really want to make a fairy garden of my own. The mystery has enough suspects to keep you on your toes. I won’t go much into that because I’m always afraid of giving away too much. Part of the enjoyment of cozy mysteries is trying to solve the mystery before the big reveal. My lips are sealed and my fingers taped shut. The characters are a mix up ones you love and hope to see more of and those you dislike but know they will probably return because they are town people. That’s fine with me. The troublemakers keep you on your toes.
Ms Gerber has wonderful writing skills. Recently she has written in the thriller mystery genre. I was curious to see if she would be able to write two very different yet similar genres with equal skill. The answer to that is yes. I didn’t see any flaws or mixups in reading this book. It was delightful and cozy from the start to the finish. If you have ever dreamed of fairies I think you will find enough in this book about fairies to enchant you. ( )
  Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
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Murphy, SandraNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fairy garden store owner Courtney Kelly believes in inviting magic into your life. But when uninvited trouble enters her shop, shell need more than a sprinkling of her imagination to solve a murder . . . Since childhood, Courtney has loved fairies. After her mother died when Courtney was ten, she lost touch with that feeling of magic. A year ago, at age twenty-nine, she rediscovered it when she left her father's landscaping business to spread her wings and start a fairy garden business and teashop in beautiful Carmel, California. At Open Your Imagination, she teaches garden design and sells everything from fairy figurines to tinkling wind chimes. Now she's starting a book club tea. But the light of the magical world she's created inside her shop is darkened one night when she discovers neighboring dog-grooming business owner Mick Watkins dead beside her patio fountain. To make matters worse, the police suspect Courtney of the crime. To clear her name and find the real killer, Courtney will have to wing it. But she's about to get a little help from an unexpected source . . .

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