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di Katharine McGee

Serie: American Royals (2)

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5552045,124 (3.72)2
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES  Is America ready for its first queen? If you can't get enough of Harry and Meghan and Will and Kate, you'll love this sequel to the New York Times bestseller that imagines America's own royal familyand all the drama and heartbreak that entails. Crazy Rich Asians meets The Crown. Perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and The Royal We.
Power is intoxicating. Like first love, it can leave you breathless. Princess Beatrice was born with it. Princess Samantha was born with less. Some, like Nina Gonzalez, are pulled into it. And a few will claw their way in. Ahem, we're looking at you Daphne Deighton.
As America adjusts to the idea of a queen on the throne, Beatrice grapples with everything she lost when she gained the ultimate crown. Samantha is busy living up to her "party princess" persona...and maybe adding a party prince by her side. Nina is trying to avoid the palaceand Prince Jeffersonat all costs. And a dangerous secret threatens to undo all of Daphne's carefully laid "marry Prince Jefferson" plans.
A new reign has begun....
"Inventive, fresh, and deliciously romanticAmerican Royals is an absolute delight!" Sarah J. Maas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Throne of Glass series and Court of Thorns and Roses series.
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This is a YA romance novel. I didn't read book 1, so I didn't know the background of the characters. However, you quickly learn the different people.
The main characters are Beatrice, who is now the queen because her beloved father died, and her sister, Samantha. Beatrice is due to marry Teddy, to honor her father's wishes. However, Sam has feelings for Teddy, and Bea is in love with her guard, Connor.
But, Bea feels an obligation to marry Teddy. So, she agrees to do it, which upsets her sister, who seeks to make Teddy jealous by getting together with someone else.
Others try to gain the power of royalty in various ways - trying to date royals. The message of female power is stressed throughout the book, and it was nice to see the growth of Bea, Sam, and some of the men. Cute story. ( )
  rmarcin | Sep 14, 2024 |
So, in 2020, I read American Royals, the first book in this series. It was so good, and it ended with characters still caught up in predicaments that had not yet been resolved. I didn't like this book as much as the first (I read this in 2020 as well 😅), because it just threw issues on top of those unresolved issues. I just didn't like how the villain, Daphne, kept getting away with everything she did. Nina, who is a commoner and one of the main characters, is constantly falling victim to Daphne's plans. And Ethan falls in love with Nina while using her and "distracting" her from Prince Jeff, while he's simultaneously in love with Daphne? And Ethan is Jeff's best friend, but they're both torn between Nina and Daphne. Do you see the web that's entangling the minds of readers?

I didn't like that Daphne kept getting away with everything. She gets her friend Himari back (who was in a coma in the first book due to being drugged by Daphne and Ethan so she couldn't expose them for cheating on Jeff while he and Daphne were dating), and because she's selfish and afraid Himari will expose her, she goes as far as threatening Beatrice, the future queen of America, to force her to send Himari back to Japan.

And you know what I found more infuriating? Daphne does every cruel thing she can in this book to get Jeff back, and suddenly, she changes her mind and tries to go after Ethan. Like girl, you were after the throne and you've harmed your own best friend and Nina for this, you played Ethan and used him, and all of a sudden, you want to throw away what you and your mother dreamed of and go back to Ethan? What about the crown? What about Jeff?

I just didn't like how Daphne got away with everything once again, and Beatrice never even mentioned the threat. And Daphne's mother is a witch. Burn in hell, miserable old lady.

I'm rating this at 2.5 stars because of the way the plot has been so messed up.

Up next: Review on Rivals, the third book in the series. ( )
  BoundlessBookWriting | May 29, 2024 |
3.5 This series reminds me of reading The Clique books except this has more monarchy, marriage, and paparazzi. It's fluffy YA drama and I really want to know what happens next... ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
Enjoyed this one, these are the perfect more grown up version of Princess Diaries fun. ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I found this book to so much fun. I really loved this sequel book in this american royals series. I really loved diving into characters again and also seeing the lead up to THE WEDDING. This book also explored new relationships that were no the focus of book one and I loved them all. McGee has made me fell connected to all theses new romances and I loved them. This book also tackled diversity issues in the royal family, grief and siblings dymanics. I found this book to such a fast page read. I really hope we see these characters again!! Cause I loved them :) ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES  Is America ready for its first queen? If you can't get enough of Harry and Meghan and Will and Kate, you'll love this sequel to the New York Times bestseller that imagines America's own royal familyand all the drama and heartbreak that entails. Crazy Rich Asians meets The Crown. Perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and The Royal We.
Power is intoxicating. Like first love, it can leave you breathless. Princess Beatrice was born with it. Princess Samantha was born with less. Some, like Nina Gonzalez, are pulled into it. And a few will claw their way in. Ahem, we're looking at you Daphne Deighton.
As America adjusts to the idea of a queen on the throne, Beatrice grapples with everything she lost when she gained the ultimate crown. Samantha is busy living up to her "party princess" persona...and maybe adding a party prince by her side. Nina is trying to avoid the palaceand Prince Jeffersonat all costs. And a dangerous secret threatens to undo all of Daphne's carefully laid "marry Prince Jefferson" plans.
A new reign has begun....
"Inventive, fresh, and deliciously romanticAmerican Royals is an absolute delight!" Sarah J. Maas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Throne of Glass series and Court of Thorns and Roses series.

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