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To Tell You the Truth (2020)

di Gilly McMillan

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3252083,202 (3.55)4
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"A spellbinding book about a missing child, and about the life of a writer. Bold, suspenseful, and impossible to put down. This one will stay with me for a long time." — Samantha Downing, #1 internationally bestselling author of My Lovely Wife

The acclaimed author of The Nanny and What She Knew—hailed by stalwarts including Ruth Ware, Liane Moriarty, Rosamund Lupton, Tess Gerritsen, and Shari Lapena—returns with another serpentine thriller that cleverly blends atmosphere, tarnished memories, mystery, and twisty secrets from the past into a potent, intense read that will leave you questioning everything you believe.

To tell you the truth . . . everybody lies.

Lucy Harper's talent for writing bestselling novels has given her fame, fortune and millions of fans. It's also given her Dan, her needy, jealous husband whose own writing career has gone precisely nowhere.

Now Dan has vanished. But this isn't the first time that someone has disappeared from Lucy's life. Three decades ago, her little brother Teddy also went missing and was never found. Lucy, the only witness, helplessly spun fantasy after fantasy about Teddy's disappearance, to the detectives' fury and her parents' despair. That was the start of her ability to tell a story—a talent she has profited from greatly.

But now Lucy's a grown woman who can't hide behind fiction any longer. The world is watching, and her whole life is under intense scrutiny. A life full of stories, some more believable than others. Could she have hurt Teddy? Did she kill Dan? Finally, now, Lucy Harper's going to tell the truth.

Cross her heart.

And hope to die.

"One of the most unsettling—and unforgettable—heroines I've ever met." — Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door

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In Gilly Macmillan's "To Tell the Truth," Lucy Harper writes popular crime fiction and her husband, Dan, is her assistant and business manager. Few people other than Dan know that, when Lucy was a precocious nine-year-old, she sneaked out of her house one night to attend a pagan celebration in honor of the summer solstice. Her three-year-old brother, Teddy, accompanied her. While Lucy watched the festivities, she left the exhausted little boy in her favorite hiding spot. Alas, when she returned to retrieve him, Teddy had vanished.

Thirty years pass, and Lucy and Dan's marriage has become fragile. Dan is spending money recklessly and behaving stealthily. An unexpected event upends Lucy's already shaky sense of security, and a savvy investigator, Detective Sergeant Lisa Bright, seems determined to catch Lucy in a lie and charge her with a serious crime. Bright hounds her in a way that is reminiscent of the many interrogations that Lucy endured in the days and months following Teddy's disappearance. The premise of this thriller is compelling, and for a while, we are hooked. Macmillan is a skilled storyteller who portrays Lucy as an imaginative, timid, although possibly unreliable narrator, while Dan is self-centered materialistic, and jealous of his wife's success.

Unfortunately, a number of flaws keep this from being a first-rate mystery. The heroine's cluelessness, whining, and imprudent choices make it hard to care about her. It is also difficult to fathom the role of Lucy's "imaginary friend," Eliza, whose voice Lucy hears and whose image she sometimes sees. Her bossy alter ego warns, chides, and advises Lucy on what to say and do, especially when Lucy in danger and is uncertain how to proceed. What ultimately sinks this tale, however, is its utterly chaotic ending. Macmillan's machinations in the final chapters involve too many extraneous elements that make little sense and emerge out of left field. The unfocused conclusion of "To Tell You the Truth" leaves us bewildered and frustrated. This could have been a far more satisfying work of fiction had the author constructed the final chapters as carefully and compellingly as she did her opening ones.
( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Even though the ending of this book was less than satisfying, I’m giving this 5 stars because it had one of the best lead ups to it. The main character in this book is going to be one of my favorite mystery/thriller characters going forward. She was strong, incredibly weak, smart, oblivious, and maybe a touch crazy. She lives with her imaginary friend in her head (and sometimes in reality), and I think it brought something so unique to this story. The rollercoaster of emotions kept me reading and reading— especially all the anger I had towards the victim. I’ll definitely try more from this author! ( )
  Michelle_PPDB | Mar 18, 2023 |
Why do all the novels in this genre always star an unreliable, weak, confused and abused woman who's gaslighted so easily? And frankly, the murderer in this book is disappointing. ( )
  Carmentalie | Jun 4, 2022 |
A new friend recommended this mystery to me with reservations. Would I recommend it to you? Read my full review here. ( )
  joyblue | Mar 7, 2022 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"A spellbinding book about a missing child, and about the life of a writer. Bold, suspenseful, and impossible to put down. This one will stay with me for a long time." — Samantha Downing, #1 internationally bestselling author of My Lovely Wife

The acclaimed author of The Nanny and What She Knew—hailed by stalwarts including Ruth Ware, Liane Moriarty, Rosamund Lupton, Tess Gerritsen, and Shari Lapena—returns with another serpentine thriller that cleverly blends atmosphere, tarnished memories, mystery, and twisty secrets from the past into a potent, intense read that will leave you questioning everything you believe.

To tell you the truth . . . everybody lies.

Lucy Harper's talent for writing bestselling novels has given her fame, fortune and millions of fans. It's also given her Dan, her needy, jealous husband whose own writing career has gone precisely nowhere.

Now Dan has vanished. But this isn't the first time that someone has disappeared from Lucy's life. Three decades ago, her little brother Teddy also went missing and was never found. Lucy, the only witness, helplessly spun fantasy after fantasy about Teddy's disappearance, to the detectives' fury and her parents' despair. That was the start of her ability to tell a story—a talent she has profited from greatly.

But now Lucy's a grown woman who can't hide behind fiction any longer. The world is watching, and her whole life is under intense scrutiny. A life full of stories, some more believable than others. Could she have hurt Teddy? Did she kill Dan? Finally, now, Lucy Harper's going to tell the truth.

Cross her heart.

And hope to die.

"One of the most unsettling—and unforgettable—heroines I've ever met." — Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door


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