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The Mindf*ck Series

di S. T. Abby

Serie: Mindf*ck (Set 1-5)

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4881052,354 (4.7)1
"They took too much. Left too little. I had nothing to lose...until him. I didn't expect him. I didn't want to fall in love. But I can't let him go. Logan Bennett makes the world a safer place. He's brilliant. He's a hero. He locks away the sick and depraved. But while he's saving lives, I'm taking them. Collecting the debts that are owed to me. Ten years ago, they took from me. They left me for dead. They should have made sure I stayed dead. Now I'm taking from them. One name at a time. I've trained for too long. I've been patient. I can't stop now. Revenge is best served cold... They never see me coming, until I paint their walls red. Logan doesn't know how they hurt me. He doesn't know about the screams they ignored. He doesn't know how twisted that town really is. He just knows people are dying. He doesn't know he's in love with their killer. No one suspects a dead girl. And Logan doesn't suspect the girl in his bed. They're looking for a monster. Not a girl who loves red. Not a girl in love. I'm a faceless nightmare. At least until I tell them the story they've pretended never happened. But in the end, will Logan choose them? Or will we watch them burn together?"-- Back cover.… (altro)
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Best series I've ever read in my existence ( )
  khadija_0 | Sep 18, 2024 |
Writing was a bit cheesy, especially in the last book (surprisingly, was my least favorite). I agree with other reviews that compared this to Criminal Minds. Definitely recommend checking the content warnings before starting this! ( )
  yeffin | Jul 13, 2024 |
This series was so fkn good! I read them all in 2 days. ( )
  blondiej | Mar 17, 2024 |
I never thought I would be cheering on the killer. I'd smile and cheer each time Lana killed someone and found the cat and mouse games fun. This book has lived rent free in my brain for the last year. One of my absolute favorite series. ( )
  midmomo | Feb 28, 2024 |
This was an absolute blast of a book! Just the right size to dive into an exhilarating ride that's unique and lively… well except for the murders xD. What I loved most was its energetic vibe mixed with just the right amount of creepiness. I finished this book pretty quick. It's a wild journey through friendship, injustice, corruption, loyalty, hate, and revenge—all wrapped up in a super fun package. It tackles these heavy themes with such pep and enthusiasm that you can't help but get swept up in the story. It felt like hanging out with your most adventurous pals, with each twist and turn adding a thrilling new layer to the experience. ( )
  Beckles | Feb 17, 2024 |
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"They took too much. Left too little. I had nothing to lose...until him. I didn't expect him. I didn't want to fall in love. But I can't let him go. Logan Bennett makes the world a safer place. He's brilliant. He's a hero. He locks away the sick and depraved. But while he's saving lives, I'm taking them. Collecting the debts that are owed to me. Ten years ago, they took from me. They left me for dead. They should have made sure I stayed dead. Now I'm taking from them. One name at a time. I've trained for too long. I've been patient. I can't stop now. Revenge is best served cold... They never see me coming, until I paint their walls red. Logan doesn't know how they hurt me. He doesn't know about the screams they ignored. He doesn't know how twisted that town really is. He just knows people are dying. He doesn't know he's in love with their killer. No one suspects a dead girl. And Logan doesn't suspect the girl in his bed. They're looking for a monster. Not a girl who loves red. Not a girl in love. I'm a faceless nightmare. At least until I tell them the story they've pretended never happened. But in the end, will Logan choose them? Or will we watch them burn together?"-- Back cover.

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