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Man Cuffed

di Sarina Bowen, Tanya Eby

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Man Hands (4)

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243977,208 (4.11)1
Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

A new comedy from the USA Today bestselling duo!


A good cop can always spot trouble. That's why my senses started pinging the moment I met the hottie next door. The neighborhood may never be the same. First she confuses me for a male stripper and tries to remove my uniform. (The guys on the force will never let me live that down.) And then there's the breaking and entering.

I don't know what to do with her. My libido has a few ideas of its own, though. Bad, bad ideas.


Hey, I it's not my fault that Hot Cop's nightstick gets excited every time we see each other. And I can't help that someone broke into his apartment. 

Fine—that last thing was totally my fault. And I intend to make amends. So when he needs a date for his sister's wedding, I'm there. This is right up my alley. I'm an actor. By the time it's over, his entire family will believe we're a couple. 

Even him.

Warning: may cause unrestrained giggling in public. Contains: a bridezilla with a turkey leg, a flash mob, and a growly hero.

… (altro)
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I enjoyed this book way too much! We were able to get a peek at how Ari, Sadie, and Brynn were doing and got to know Meg beyond the thoughts of her sister Sadie. The back and forth between Meg and Mac was hilarious. They played off each other very well and riled each other up. Don’t even get me started on the heat. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife and Meg’s stubbornness only added to it. Mac’s partner Lance was the icing on the cake. I loved that guy! I don’t know if Sarina and Tanya did a spin-off series where Aubrey, Cassidy, and Lance got their own stories but I would highly recommend it! I’d read Lance’s story in a heartbeat!

While the book was a lot of laughs, it had a ton of heart. Mac’s backstory between what happened in college and the rift in his family was a tear jerker. Sarina and Tanya tried to do a mix of humor and drama in Man Card but it fell short. In Man Cuffed, they got the formula exactly right! This book was the perfect ending to the series. ( )
  romcombc | Jul 23, 2023 |
If I see Sarina Bowen's name I read it! She is definitely a one click author for me and Man Cuffed did not disappoint. I always enjoy the Man Hands books because Sarina and Tanya Eby are a magical duo who write a book that is equal parts sexy and humorous it's a complete have your cake and eat it too story.

This book is a standalone but if you enjoyed it you should absolutely go back and read the others in this series because while the stories are not the same the vibe is and that vibe is a great one! My one warning is read this book in public with caution as you will be caught audible sighing and laughing.

I instantly loved Meg and found myself rooting for her. I took a bit longer to warm up to Mac but once I did I completely fell in love with him. These two are one of my favorite couples to come out of this series.

I was gifted this book early to review all thoughts and opinions are my own and freely given. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
This was fantastic! Honestly, can you go wrong with Sarina Bowen? I think not. And after reading this book, I feel like the writing pair of Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby is a pretty good bet as well. I was a little hesitant to pick up this book since I haven't read the other books in the series. I decided to go ahead and try it as a stand-alone and it worked perfectly. The only problem now is that I feel like I need to go back and read the earlier books in this series. That's a pretty good problem to have.

This book was great from the start. Mac and Meg meet each other in a restaurant where she is working. She mistakes him for a stripper and tries to take his clothes off but that's just an honest mistake. When they wind up becoming next-door neighbors a few months later, sparks are definitely flying. But Mac is determined to keep his hands off since he doesn't do relationships. But he does need a date to his sister's wedding and Meg is the gal there to help him out.

I loved Mac and Meg together. These two had so much chemistry together I almost felt like sparks were going to jump off the page. I also loved their banter. This book is pretty funny at times and I felt like a big part of that was because this pair felt so real. They were really adorable together in so many ways and I loved the way they just seemed to click.

As you would expect, there was a bit of drama to the story. But it was drama that felt authentic and possible to overcome. If anything, learning Mac's past really made me like his character even more because he has had to deal with things that were pretty intense. It was a joy to watch these two work things out. I loved all of the secondary characters and how they played a part in everything.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of romantic comedies. This book was filled with wonderful characters, a swoon-worthy romance, and quite a few laughs. I cannot wait to read more of this amazing series.

I received a digital review copy of this book from the author/publicist. ( )
  Carolesrandomlife | Nov 19, 2019 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Bowen, Sarinaautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Eby, Tanyaautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Eller, RobinReaderautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato
Thom, TorReaderautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato

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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

A new comedy from the USA Today bestselling duo!


A good cop can always spot trouble. That's why my senses started pinging the moment I met the hottie next door. The neighborhood may never be the same. First she confuses me for a male stripper and tries to remove my uniform. (The guys on the force will never let me live that down.) And then there's the breaking and entering.

I don't know what to do with her. My libido has a few ideas of its own, though. Bad, bad ideas.


Hey, I it's not my fault that Hot Cop's nightstick gets excited every time we see each other. And I can't help that someone broke into his apartment. 

Fine—that last thing was totally my fault. And I intend to make amends. So when he needs a date for his sister's wedding, I'm there. This is right up my alley. I'm an actor. By the time it's over, his entire family will believe we're a couple. 

Even him.

Warning: may cause unrestrained giggling in public. Contains: a bridezilla with a turkey leg, a flash mob, and a growly hero.


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