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i'm fine.: A Haiku Collection About Mental Illness

di Jamie Winters

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words can't describe this feeling of bricks on my heart so i say "i'm fine." Mental illness is confusing. And messy. And complicated. Sometimes it's hard to find the strength to get out of bed, let alone connect to other people going through a similar experience to yours. Meanwhile, a haiku is written in only three lines and seventeen syllables. While the form itself is simple, haiku has been used to express complex subjects for generations. Three lines can give a surprisingly complex look at a single moment that might have passed by without thought otherwise. The brevity of haiku makes it possible to digest hard subjects like trauma, depression, and anxiety in small, bite-size portions. The 120 haiku in this collection can easily be read one by one over an extended period, or all at once. This collection was made to bring together those affected by mental illness, whether you're someone trying to understand a loved one's experience or someone surviving mental illness yourself. You are not alone. through seventeen sounds i can reach through time and space and show you my world and when you're reading maybe you'll recognize it 'cause it's your world too peace descends down on two strangers across the world finally knowing i'm fine… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daKalira, isabellahaus, gentlespirit512
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This can be a very quick read or a rather slow one - personally I'd recommend slow, partly because it's full of rather heavy topics. Taking the time to consider each haiku is more enjoyable and more thoughtful than simply rushing through them because they're short . . . and the time can offer a bit of space from the weight of the topics, as well.

Of course not all the poems hit with the same weight, and I'm sure those that felt the most fitting for me would not be the same for someone else, but overall there's a good variety of moods and topics in the haiku within.

(Jamie Winters is a friend - I was one of those who assisted with the translations for the cover - but I have attempted to remain objective in my review.) ( )
  Kalira | May 12, 2024 |
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words can't describe this feeling of bricks on my heart so i say "i'm fine." Mental illness is confusing. And messy. And complicated. Sometimes it's hard to find the strength to get out of bed, let alone connect to other people going through a similar experience to yours. Meanwhile, a haiku is written in only three lines and seventeen syllables. While the form itself is simple, haiku has been used to express complex subjects for generations. Three lines can give a surprisingly complex look at a single moment that might have passed by without thought otherwise. The brevity of haiku makes it possible to digest hard subjects like trauma, depression, and anxiety in small, bite-size portions. The 120 haiku in this collection can easily be read one by one over an extended period, or all at once. This collection was made to bring together those affected by mental illness, whether you're someone trying to understand a loved one's experience or someone surviving mental illness yourself. You are not alone. through seventeen sounds i can reach through time and space and show you my world and when you're reading maybe you'll recognize it 'cause it's your world too peace descends down on two strangers across the world finally knowing i'm fine

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