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Scottish Fairy Tales (1999)

di Lomond Books

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322384,098 (4.16)Nessuno
The fairytales of Scotland portray a world of magic and shape- shifting. Horses and foxes that turn into handsome princes, thorns that turn into woods, and a tiny stone that becomes an enormous rock - these are some of the amazing transformations that take place in this anthology. The characters in these sixteen tales, from jealous stepmothers and gruesome ghosts to chivalrous princes and beautiful princesses, are some of the most memorable in all folk literature. Read of the poor seal woman taken from the sea by a wicked farmer, of the magic black horse that could y over mountains, and of Kate Crackernuts who married the prince of her dreams after she had cured him of his illness. Superbly illustrated throughout, this lovely anthology will delight readers of all ages.… (altro)
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Most of us will recognize some of the stories in this book, though the versions presented are archaic, which makes them even more interesting. Lovely old woodcuts and line drawings illustrate these charming stories about fairies and other magical creatures.
  missamellon | Mar 12, 2012 |
I got this given to me when I was very young, and it has been read over and over again, becoming quite worn. The tales are told in a lovely traditional style, with interesting illustrations. I still get it out and read either just my favourites or the whole thing.
  belhop | May 31, 2010 |
collection of tradition stories of the wee people adored by adults and young ones alike, a way of keeping the culture of the story alive ( )
  vicarofdibley | Apr 2, 2006 |
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Long ago, in a castle called Sandell, lived a laird called the great MacDonald.
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The fairytales of Scotland portray a world of magic and shape- shifting. Horses and foxes that turn into handsome princes, thorns that turn into woods, and a tiny stone that becomes an enormous rock - these are some of the amazing transformations that take place in this anthology. The characters in these sixteen tales, from jealous stepmothers and gruesome ghosts to chivalrous princes and beautiful princesses, are some of the most memorable in all folk literature. Read of the poor seal woman taken from the sea by a wicked farmer, of the magic black horse that could y over mountains, and of Kate Crackernuts who married the prince of her dreams after she had cured him of his illness. Superbly illustrated throughout, this lovely anthology will delight readers of all ages.

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Media: (4.16)
2 1
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3.5 1
4 5
4.5 1
5 8

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