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Wolf Pack

di C. J. Box

Serie: Joe Pickett (19)

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6791835,360 (4)10
The good news is that Joe Pickett has his job back, after his last adventure in The Disappeared. The bad news is that he's come to learn that a drone is killing wildlife--and the drone belongs to a mysterious and wealthy man whose son is dating Joe's own daughter, Lucy. When Joe tries to lay down the rules for the drone operator, he's asked by the FBI and the DOJ to stand down, which only makes him more suspicious. Meanwhile, bodies are piling up in and around Joe's district in shocking numbers. He begins to fear that a pack of four vicious killers working on behalf of the Sinaloa cartel known as the Wolf Pack has arrived. Their target seems to be the mystery man and everyone--including Joe, Nate, and others--who is associated with him. Teaming up with a female game warden (based on a real person, one of the few female game wardens at work in Wyoming today) to confront these assassins, Joe finds himself in the most violent and dangerous predicament he's ever faced.--… (altro)
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(2019) I had a little trouble getting into this one; a little too bizarre and violent. People being killed for no apparent reason in Arizona while Joe Pickett was dealing with a jerk father of a boy who was seeing his youngest daughter, Lucy. Slowly it builds as it turns out daddy is in the Saddlestring area because he is in the Witness Protection Program of the Feds. An assassination team (the Wolf Pack) of 3 men and one alpha male woman are targeting the hidden criminal and it puts Joe's family and close friends and associates in harms way. The body count rises to the end where Joe and Nate track down the female assassin after a shootout. They do not have to confront her as a real wolf pack finds and dispatches her with prejudice.KIRKUS: Fired after his last colorfully insubordinate outing (The Disappeared, 2018), Wyoming Fish and Game Warden Joe Pickett is back on the job in Twelve Sleep County just in time to follow the trail from a routine misdemeanor to a quartet of hired killers.Katelyn Hamm, Joe's counterpart in Shell County, is saddened and angry to see a herd of terrified mule deer fleeing, some to their deaths, from an unregistered drone aircraft that disappears in the direction of Twelve Sleep County. This isn't the first time locals have spotted the drone, and Katelyn wants Joe to track down its owner. Joe obligingly traces the rogue aircraft to the compound of Bill Hill, who gets him just as furious as Katelyn by freely admitting the offense, crumpling up the citation Joe gives him, refusing to follow him to the sheriff's office, and assuring Joe that he'll never have to answer the chargeand that Joe himself will be in trouble if he presses too hard. Trouble promptly arrives in the form of two FBI agents from the nation's capital who warn first Katelyn, then Joe, off the case, which they consider no big deal compared to the threat against thousands of lives¥?maybe tens of thousands.Maybe millions?¥they're handling but refuse to identify. Meanwhile, four professional killers, including a particularly fatal female, are headed to Twelve Sleep County from Arizona, where they've just killed their latest target, his wife, and a friend who happened to have stopped by. Squeezed between the feds and the Wolf Pack, a murderous arm of the Sinaloa drug cartel, Joe will himself be targeted, along with Katelyn, the FBI agents, the local sheriff, his wife's best friend, and his own friend the outlaw falconer Nate Romanowski, for elimination before the killers can move on to their real target.It's obvious where all this is going, but Box gets you there, in one of most tightly wound tales, with more thrills than a snowy road on a steep mountain and more authority than the governor of Wyoming.Pub Date: March 12, 2019ISBN: 978-0-525-53819-6Page Count: 384Publisher: Putnam
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Wolf Pack is a book about a group of people who are murderers for the Fentanyl leaders. It takes place in Joe Pickett's area. He was doing his job catching a man who had scare some animals to death while trying to photograph them with his fancy drone. There were many violent deaths that occurred in Arizona and Wyoming that were related to this man. The book was well written, easy to imagine the entire story. Four stars were given in this review. ( )
  lbswiener | Nov 25, 2023 |
Book 19 in the Joe Pickett series was as exciting as every other book I've read or listened to in this series! They are really good on audio but keep me up too late at night listening! Going on to request book 20! Always recommended! ( )
  Dianekeenoy | Jun 13, 2023 |
I don't normally give such a low score to an audiobook I finish. I picked this up for a change from my current romantic comedy addiction. I'd read a few C.J. Box a few years ago and found them an easy read.

This one demanded nothing of me except to put up with the extreme violence of the bad guys!

I can't resist something with a cover like this - a horse, snow, and a cowboy hat. But it wasn't enough to counter the meaninglessness of the story and violence.

Joe Pickett is a smart likeable family man, an his demeanour seems almost at odds with the story he finds himself in.

Making wild generalisations, this type of book doesn't depict the sophistication in human relationships I am always seeking. Of course, I read a lot that doesn't meet this lofty ambition ... but still. That's the goal! ( )
  Okies | Apr 13, 2023 |
Solid, not as excellent as the last couple of books, but definitely entertaining as always. Great series. ( )
  usuallee | Oct 7, 2021 |
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For Jeremy Barnes, a true hero
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For Wyoming game warden Katelyn Hamm, April really was the cruelest month.
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The good news is that Joe Pickett has his job back, after his last adventure in The Disappeared. The bad news is that he's come to learn that a drone is killing wildlife--and the drone belongs to a mysterious and wealthy man whose son is dating Joe's own daughter, Lucy. When Joe tries to lay down the rules for the drone operator, he's asked by the FBI and the DOJ to stand down, which only makes him more suspicious. Meanwhile, bodies are piling up in and around Joe's district in shocking numbers. He begins to fear that a pack of four vicious killers working on behalf of the Sinaloa cartel known as the Wolf Pack has arrived. Their target seems to be the mystery man and everyone--including Joe, Nate, and others--who is associated with him. Teaming up with a female game warden (based on a real person, one of the few female game wardens at work in Wyoming today) to confront these assassins, Joe finds himself in the most violent and dangerous predicament he's ever faced.--

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