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Down Here (2004)

di Andrew Vachss

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Serie: Burke (15)

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293593,343 (3.71)2
For years Burke has harbored an outlaw's hard love for Wolfe, the beautiful, driven former sex-crimes prosecutor who was fired for refusing to "go along to get along." So when Wolfe is arrested for the attempted murder of John Anson Wychek, a vicious rapist she once prosecuted, Burke deals himself in. That means putting together a distrustful alliance between his underground "family of choice," Wolfe's private network, and a rogue NYPD detective who has his own stake in the outcome. Burke knows that Wolfe's alleged "victim," although convicted only once, is actually a serial rapist. The deeper he presses, the more gaping holes he finds in the prosecution's case, but shadowy law enforcement agencies seem determined to protect Wychek at all costs, no matter who gets sacrificed. Burke ups the ante by re-opening all the old "cold case" rape investigations, calls in a lot of markers from both sides of the law, and finally shows all the players why "down here" is no place for tourists.… (altro)
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Mostra 5 di 5
Rated "Good" in our old book database. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jul 7, 2024 |
I liked this one better than the last few in the Burke series. A serial rapist named John Anson Wychek, convicted and imprisoned, is released via a miscarriage of justice. When he is shot, Eva Wolfe, a former sex crimes prosecutor and Burke's unrequited heartthrob, is arrested and charged. Burke is determined to get her out of this jam and mobilizes his lawyer, newspaper writer and family, getting them to analyze by computer other victims of Wychek, hoping one of them might be responsible. Burke does a number of insightful interviews and then masquerading as his writer-buddy Hauser gets emotionally involved with Wychek's sister. The good news is that Vachss has gone back to his "less is more" format, but ended up shortchanging readers with the abrupt ending. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
serial rapist acquires terrorist list
  ritaer | Jul 10, 2021 |
Having read one Andrew Vachss novel that I really liked, I hoped I'd found another author who really clicked with me. So I checked two more books out of the novel.
The only reason I even finished reading this second one was the unfulfilled hope that it would end better than it started out. ( )
  dickmanikowski | Nov 5, 2013 |
I've been reading Vachss's Burke books for a long time now. This one has all the old familiar characters and plenty of backstory for those who aren't familiar with the earlier books. For those who don't already know Burke, he's definitely not your typical hero. He's frightening and vengeful, but he's also got an unshakable moral code.

Vachss's books are dark and violent, but extremely well done. If you think you can handle it, I recommend his books strongly.

I don't want to say too much about this one, but I will say I didn't see the end coming. I'll definitely get the next Burke book as soon as it's available. ( )
  jennyo | Mar 24, 2006 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (2 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Vachss, AndrewAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Evan Gaffney DesignProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Troncoso, DavidFotografoautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Burke (15)
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Please distinguish between:

-- this separate novel in Andrew Vachss' "Burke" Series, Down Here (#15, 2004); and

-- the similarly-titled Quality Paperback Book Club omnibus, Down Here (2000), which includes three earlier novels in the "Burke" Series, Strega (#2, 1987), Blue Belle (#3, 1988), and Hard Candy (#4, 1989).

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For years Burke has harbored an outlaw's hard love for Wolfe, the beautiful, driven former sex-crimes prosecutor who was fired for refusing to "go along to get along." So when Wolfe is arrested for the attempted murder of John Anson Wychek, a vicious rapist she once prosecuted, Burke deals himself in. That means putting together a distrustful alliance between his underground "family of choice," Wolfe's private network, and a rogue NYPD detective who has his own stake in the outcome. Burke knows that Wolfe's alleged "victim," although convicted only once, is actually a serial rapist. The deeper he presses, the more gaping holes he finds in the prosecution's case, but shadowy law enforcement agencies seem determined to protect Wychek at all costs, no matter who gets sacrificed. Burke ups the ante by re-opening all the old "cold case" rape investigations, calls in a lot of markers from both sides of the law, and finally shows all the players why "down here" is no place for tourists.

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Media: (3.71)
2 5
2.5 1
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4 26
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5 9


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