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Gli occhi di Alice Gray (2019)

di Stacey Halls

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9533523,007 (3.81)24
Pendle Hill Young Fleetwood Shuttleworth is with child again. As the mistress of Gawthorpe Hall, she is anxious to provide her husband with an heir. But none of her previous pregnancies have come to term. Then she discovers a hidden letter from her physician that warns her husband that she will not survive another pregnancy. Distraught over the frightening revelation, Fleetwood wanders the woods of Pendle Hill, where she meets a young local woman named Alice Gray. A midwife, Alice promises Fleetwood she can help her deliver a healthy baby. But soon Alice is drawn into the frenzied accusations of witchcraft sweeping the countryside. Even the woodland creatures, the "familiars," are suspected of practicing the dark arts. Can Fleetwood trust that Alice is really who she says she is? As the two women's lives become intertwined, Fleetwood must risk everything to prove Alice's innocence in order to save her own unborn child. The hunt for witches reaches fever pitch. Time is running out. The trials are about to begin. Both their lives are at stake. Only they know the truth. Only they can save each other. Set against the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612, this rich and compelling novel draws its characters from historical figures as it explores the lives and rights of seventeenth-century women, ultimately raising the question: Is witch-hunting really just women-hunting?… (altro)
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» Vedi le 24 citazioni

  greer.d | Jul 30, 2024 |
I've read a lot of historical fiction books about witch trials, but this was the first one that actually seemed to consider female solidarity. It was really refreshing to have a main character that thinks about the experiences of other women, without it turning into moralistic hand-wringing. ( )
  SamwiseJones | Jul 28, 2024 |
I found this very gripping from the first page to the last. Each page imbued with a sense of frantic dread. Very well rounded female leads that I was rooting for the whole way. The ending wrapped up the story very nicely with a little bit of a mystery at the end - was witchcraft real? I didn't know a lot about the Pendle Witch Trials so this inspired me to read more about what took place. For a debut novel this was fantastic and I quickly got a copy of Stacey Hall's second novel "The Foundling", eager to read more. ( )
  jen.921xx | Jul 21, 2024 |
This is the debut historical fiction by English author Stacey Halls, a story set in Lancashire around the infamous, historic Pendle Hill Witch Trials of 1612.

Fleetwood Shuttleworth, is the young mistress of Gawthorpe Hall, and is struggling with her current pregnancy, knowing that the previous ones have ended in tragic miscarriages. Fleetwood hires local girl Alice Grey as a midwife to help her with the pregnancy. Soon the troubles that are brewing around them envelop Fleetwood and Alice and they find themselves fighting potentially life threatening accusations of witchcraft. Fleetwood must fight both to save her unborn child and her friend Alice’s life. She has to manage the limitations of her role as a woman in her dealings with both her husband Richard and his friend, the ambitious magistrate Roger. Roger is determined to impress King James by ridding Lancashire of witches, even if these are merely local midwives and healers, and the only evidence against them is that they have a familiar or animal companion, that no one has even actually seen.

I enjoyed this story and its historical context. The misogyny and total lack of logic is frustrating beyond belief, but reflects the dangerous reality of the times. Fleetwood is a fairly meek character but does her best, within the confines of her role, to fight against the injustices around her. I liked her close relationship with her dog and her insistence on her riding everywhere despite her pregnancy. This was a good read about female friendship and the dangers of living as a woman in a man’s world. ( )
  mimbza | May 8, 2024 |
Diesem Roman liegt einer der bekanntesten Hexenprozesse Großbritanniens zugrunde - die Pendle Witches. Die Protagonistin ist di junge, schwangere Adlige Fleetwood Shuttleworth, die Angst hat, bei der Geburt ihres Kindes zu sterben und Vertrauen zu der kräuterkundigen Hebamme Alice Grey fasst. Als diese der Hexerei angeklagt wird, wird auch Fleetwood in die Ereignisse verwickelt, weil sie versucht, Alice zu retten.

Es ist beinahe unglaublich, dass es sich hier um einen Debutroman handelt. Der Schreibstil der Autorin liest sich flüssig, die Figuren sind glaubwürdig gestaltet und man merkt, wie viel Recherche in diesem Buch steckt. Der nächste Roman der Autorin wartet schon auf meinem SUB.

( )
  Ellemir | Mar 29, 2024 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Halls, Staceyautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bartlett, Staceyautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Forrester, KateImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Fulford-Brown, BillieNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sobey, KatyNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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I left the house with the letter because I did not know what else to do.
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Again, I was thwarted, bound by my invisible leash. It was strange: I was sitting in my house with my husband and dog, but had never felt more wretched. For a long time they had been enough, but now I felt like a visitor in my own life.
She wavered at her door like a woman on the edge of a drop, as though she might jump and come with me.
Now he was exercising his authority like a muscle, testing my limit and his, and never failing to remind me who was master.
"What's all this?" said another voice. More men were approaching like bats from the shadows in the castle walls.
It reminded me of the buildings on London Bridge, with everybody living in each other's pockets.
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Pendle Hill Young Fleetwood Shuttleworth is with child again. As the mistress of Gawthorpe Hall, she is anxious to provide her husband with an heir. But none of her previous pregnancies have come to term. Then she discovers a hidden letter from her physician that warns her husband that she will not survive another pregnancy. Distraught over the frightening revelation, Fleetwood wanders the woods of Pendle Hill, where she meets a young local woman named Alice Gray. A midwife, Alice promises Fleetwood she can help her deliver a healthy baby. But soon Alice is drawn into the frenzied accusations of witchcraft sweeping the countryside. Even the woodland creatures, the "familiars," are suspected of practicing the dark arts. Can Fleetwood trust that Alice is really who she says she is? As the two women's lives become intertwined, Fleetwood must risk everything to prove Alice's innocence in order to save her own unborn child. The hunt for witches reaches fever pitch. Time is running out. The trials are about to begin. Both their lives are at stake. Only they know the truth. Only they can save each other. Set against the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612, this rich and compelling novel draws its characters from historical figures as it explores the lives and rights of seventeenth-century women, ultimately raising the question: Is witch-hunting really just women-hunting?

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