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The Brilliant Death

di Amy Rose Capetta

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Serie: The Brilliant Death (1)

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376870,672 (3.63)Nessuno
A young shapeshifter has to learn to control her powers, while simultaneously using them to disguise herself as a boy and confront the people who murdered her father. Everyone in Vinalia knows that magic isn't real ... but Teodora has the power to turn her family's enemies into music boxes and other decorative objects. When the Capo, the land's new ruler, sends poisoned letters to the heads of the Five Families that have long controlled Vinalia, Teo must travel to the capital as a DiSangro son-- not disguised as a boy, but transformed into one-- to save her father's life. She meets Cielo, a strega who can switch back and forth between male and female effortlessly. Journeying to the capital, Teo struggles to master her powers-- and to keep her growing feelings for Cielo locked in her heart. -- adapted from jacket.… (altro)
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[b:The Brilliant Death|34198648|The Brilliant Death (The Brilliant Death, #1)|Amy Rose Capetta||55239196]
Gender Bender
The story was interesting, the characters were engaging, and the writing was lovely. It is difficult to describe, but there is a sort of poetic feel to the author's prose that is savory and warm. The social themes of this story were respectfully handled and treated with kindness, love, and understanding. There is a lot going on in this book - murder, intrigue, plotting, magic, love, and betrayal. All of these can add up to a drab boring cliched tropey story, but here they all worked in sync. Teodora is a strega, she has magic - but she doesn't know much about it. She knows she can transform people into objects, but doesn't know how it works or how to do anything else. She meets a mysterious stranger, Cielo, who can change their gender at will, and longs to know more. When it becomes necessary for her to become a man - not just dress like one, but BE one - she asks Cielo to teach her. Learning how to use her magic is one of the integral plot points, because as she continues on her journey, she is constantly having to adjust how she uses it. The story builds well and the characters are so beautifully descriptive that it makes it a joy to read because you as the reader want to know how the story will unfold. The magic that is central to this book is a very special kind of magic, it’s shape-shifting, and that’s important to the most wonderful, surprising, and probably groundbreaking part of this novel: Teo (and Cielo) learns to change from a girl to a boy, and back (as a strega), and the conversation about how she/he feels in that body at different times. The power to change the body, and how Teo learns to harness magic is a fascinating part of this book, and Capetta approaches it with a delicateness, and at the same time, boldness, which makes the ‘gender-bending’ so unique and so wonderful to read. I don’t want to give away too much more of the story but I will say being someone who doesn’t often read fantasy this one impressed me and I will be reading book two just to see how beautifully the story continues. That being said this is a sold four stars for me and that is high praise considering this is a new author for me. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
The story, world building and characters were interesting.i feel the ending was unsatisfying for all the threads left ended. ( )
  yonitdm | Sep 1, 2022 |
I struggled to get into this book, but that may have been because I listened to it as an audiobook and I was somewhat distracted while I listened (I recently moved, so lots of packing). Nevertheless, I was impressed by the worldbuilding in this book and the struggles of Teodora with magic, relationships, and identity. Overall, a fascinating world and a solid plot - I would read this author again. ( )
  wagner.sarah35 | Feb 4, 2022 |
Loved! ( )
  MaximusStripus | Jul 7, 2020 |
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Amy Rose Capettaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Renner, KateDesignerautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato

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For my dad
who gave me books from his shelf
and stories from the past,
who has three daughters
and has always believed in magic
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When I was a little girl, I thought my father was the king of Vinalia.
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A young shapeshifter has to learn to control her powers, while simultaneously using them to disguise herself as a boy and confront the people who murdered her father. Everyone in Vinalia knows that magic isn't real ... but Teodora has the power to turn her family's enemies into music boxes and other decorative objects. When the Capo, the land's new ruler, sends poisoned letters to the heads of the Five Families that have long controlled Vinalia, Teo must travel to the capital as a DiSangro son-- not disguised as a boy, but transformed into one-- to save her father's life. She meets Cielo, a strega who can switch back and forth between male and female effortlessly. Journeying to the capital, Teo struggles to master her powers-- and to keep her growing feelings for Cielo locked in her heart. -- adapted from jacket.

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