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The Grits (Girls Raised In The South) Guide to Life

di Deborah Ford

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The New York Times bestselling Southern girls' guide to succeeding in life--with a foreword by Fannie Flag. They're called Sweet Potato Queens, Steel Magnolias, Ya-Ya Sisters, and Southern Belles, but at heart they're just plain Grits--Girls Raised in the South! Now, Deborah Ford, founder of Grits® Inc., reveals the code behind the distinctive--and irresistible--style of the Southern woman.  Equal parts sweet sincerity and sharp, sly humor, The Grits Guide to Life is chock-full of Southern charm: advice, true-life stories from honest-to-god "Grits," recipes, humor, quotable wisdom, and more.  Readers will learn vital lessons, including: how to eat a watermelon in a sundress; how to drink like a Southern lady (sip... a lot); and the real meaning of PMS (Precious Mood Southerner). This charming book is destined to become a bible for the Southern girl--whether born and bred, expatriated, or adoptive--and her many admirers. "Funny, wise, charming, and smart...Grits deserves a place on your shelf between Gone With the Wind and the Memphis Junior League cookbook, and I predict in the years to come it will be passed down to daughter along with the family silver and great-grandmother's lace doilies."--Fannie Flag, from her foreword to The Grits Guide to Life… (altro)
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Parts of this book were enjoyable but I found most of it untrue, especially since I grew up in the south and actually did have those relatives that were real GRITS. I finally finished it, but mainly out of principle, not because it was such an enjoyable read...and definitely not because it was a "guide to life". ( )
  kelley.close | Apr 2, 2009 |
I found this book to be less than true of any of the Grits I grew up with. Marry often and keep the diamond rings with each marriage seemed to be a common theme in the book, which makes Southern girls sound superficial and less than trustworthy. Also, the "darlin'"s, "sugah"s and "honey"s sound really forced, rather than flowing like honey out of the mouth of a Southerner. It made for a good bathroom read, but that's about it. Makes me glad I only spent a buck on it at a garage sale. ( )
  missamorphosis | Jul 5, 2007 |
Any book sanctioned by Fanny Flagg, the goddess of honest and humorous southern writing, is alright by me. I loved this book from cover to cover. Most of the things the author mentioned, I was nodding my head along with, or was remembering a situation in which the current topic had happened to me. This books tells the truth about southern women--our thoughts, our behavior, our attention to detail, and our overall thoughtfulness and generosity. We're close as kudzu down here. :) ( )
  MissLizzy | Dec 27, 2006 |
The Southern Food Pyramid, which starts with Pork and ends with Hot Sauce, is priceless! ( )
  inblackink | Sep 25, 2005 |
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The New York Times bestselling Southern girls' guide to succeeding in life--with a foreword by Fannie Flag. They're called Sweet Potato Queens, Steel Magnolias, Ya-Ya Sisters, and Southern Belles, but at heart they're just plain Grits--Girls Raised in the South! Now, Deborah Ford, founder of Grits® Inc., reveals the code behind the distinctive--and irresistible--style of the Southern woman.  Equal parts sweet sincerity and sharp, sly humor, The Grits Guide to Life is chock-full of Southern charm: advice, true-life stories from honest-to-god "Grits," recipes, humor, quotable wisdom, and more.  Readers will learn vital lessons, including: how to eat a watermelon in a sundress; how to drink like a Southern lady (sip... a lot); and the real meaning of PMS (Precious Mood Southerner). This charming book is destined to become a bible for the Southern girl--whether born and bred, expatriated, or adoptive--and her many admirers. "Funny, wise, charming, and smart...Grits deserves a place on your shelf between Gone With the Wind and the Memphis Junior League cookbook, and I predict in the years to come it will be passed down to daughter along with the family silver and great-grandmother's lace doilies."--Fannie Flag, from her foreword to The Grits Guide to Life

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